Temerity Guild Forum

Full Version: Maye
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1. Who are your sponsors? (You must have two, they must have agreed to do it, and they must be full members.)

I don't have sponsors yet. Neea and Starsha have GRACIOUSLY agreed to be my sponsors. Thank you so much ladies. Thank you Neea (Jan 10), Thank you Starsha (Jan 13). Also I have grouped with Nark, Kalistrate, as well as Drudger and Mikayla.

2. How do you know each of your sponsors?

(Jan 13) I grouped with Neea in Skyfire with a mutual friend, Hobzz. At the time, Temerity wasn't recruiting so I decided to wait until recruitment was open again. During the '23 Anniversary event, I reconnected with Neea and she encouraged me to post. I grouped with Starsha at a Mayong raid and have spoken with her a few times since. 
I grouped with Nark in SolB and got burned sashes for the bag quests, and grouped with Starsha, Drudger, and Mikayla for Mayong fights.

3. What is the name, level, race and class of your primary main character? Paste in the link to your TAKP magelo.

Maye is a human cleric of Innoruuk and is level 59 60 (Thanks Nark). 65! Thanks Mikayla

4. What is your handle on the TAKP forums?


5. List your shrink and EB items, as well as your means of casting gate, invis, and levitate if applicable. Do you have an insta-clicky?

I have a Anizok's minimizing device from Neea. My EB is a Lodi shield, I am a cleric and can gate (Also have a faithstone of spite made by Deea, and a worker sledgemallet), Larrikan's mask and a Gnomish vanishing device for invis, Lev is a Quillmane Cloak, and I have two three insta-clicks: J-boots, Spyglass, and Fright Forged Helm

6. What alts do you have (name/class/level)?  

I have a 56 BST, Delbert, and a 50 bard Kote

7. What time zone do you live in, and what is your typical play schedule? 

 I live in EST, I can usually play most evenings, and weekend mornings.
(Jan 13) My full weekly evening schedule is:

Mon: open
Tues: evening class, available ~ 8pm
Wed: Standing obligation (volleyball with friends. Currently done around 8. Outside game, time changes with the seasons)
Thurs: evening class, no playtime
Fri: Standing Obligations, no playtime
Sat: Open
Sun: Standing obligation, no playtime

8. How long have you played on TAKP? 

I've been on TAKP for two years.

9. Where and when have you played EQ prior to TAKP? If you played on Al'Kabor, tell us your character names, when you were active, and what guild(s) you were in. 

I played on Bertox server on Live. I was in Omani and my main was a DRU named Aerron. After that I was on P99 for while with a couple mains. An Enc named Eddidor and a cleric in Auld Lang Syne named Koet.

10. Have you been in other guilds on TAKP? If so, why did you leave?

I have not been in any guilds on TAKP. I got to know Neea by grouping with Hobzz in Skyfire and decided Temerity was the guild I wanted to join.

11. Describe your previous EQ raiding experience. What classes have you played on raids?

I raided through Vex Thal on Live as a druid. So all old content, Sleepers Tomb, Ssra, etc.

12. Why do you want to join Temerity? 

The people I have met in Temerity have been good people. The other guilds I've interacted with have been mostly good people, but not as friendly or as interesting as the Temerity folks.

13. What do you expect out of EverQuest -- why do you play?

EQ was my first MMO. I've tried others and keep coming back to EQ. Nothing compares to a first love.

14. Anything else you want us to know?

I've been in many guilds in my time in EQ. Some guilds as a member, some guilds as an officer, a guild or two as Senior Officer and even one as a leader. I understand power structures. I understand rules. I am willing to put in time to earn my place in an organization. I will play any guild alts necessary to help out a raid.

Jan 5, 10:30pm:
Thanks for the invitation to PoFire. It was interesting to raid again. I hope to be invited to more events.

Jan 11 Edit, 10:15 EST
Thanks for the invite to PoFire again. That went much smoother I felt and I have NEVER seen a mob like Fennin Ro before. I did much better playing Bneeo this time around. I look forward to helping more.

Jan 16 Edit,
Thank you Starsha for letting me use Gardiana in PoTime last night. I've never seen anything like it. The only thing that I kept hearing was that Gardiana wasn't geared very well and looking at her gear it's light-years better than Maye's. I will do my best to attend as many raids as I can. I look forward to grouping with more of you in the future
Welcome to the forums, Maye! Thanks for posting and welcome to our forums. Look forward to connecting with you more in game Smile
I had to do a double-take tonight. I thought you were somebody's alt. I was surprised to see a cleric main. I hope I get to know you better.
Hey there!
Glad to see this app!
(01-05-2023, 01:38 AM)Starsha Wrote: [ -> ]I had to do a double-take tonight. I thought you were somebody's alt. I was surprised to see a cleric main. I hope I get to know you better.

This is my second cleric main. I really enjoy the intense focus that comes from keeping my group alive during a bad pull. Everything disappears and all I see are the HP bars. And at the end, when everyone is still standing and have 25% hps left, I get a huge sense of satisfaction. My main fault is that in those circumstances, I totally ignore my own HPs. 

If you need a cleric for an evening, please send me a tell.
(01-05-2023, 02:09 AM)Neea Wrote: [ -> ]Glad to see this app!

Awwuh! That makes me happy. Thanks, Neea.

It's good to see you again. After grouping with Nark she said, "Send Neea a message and tell her I told you to." 

Nark made me do it!
(01-04-2023, 11:40 PM)hemper Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome to the forums, Maye! Thanks for posting and welcome to our forums. Look forward to connecting with you more in game Smile

Thanks! I hope to be able to get to know more Temerity folks and spread my heals around.
Good to see ya Maye! We need to get you a couple flags to open up some zones for easier exping.

Temerity raids Sunday, Monday and Wednesday evenings ( 8 pm EST start time ).  You mentioned weekend mornings as times you can regularly play.  Are you available on Sunday evenings ?

Thanks for running Bneeo last Wednesday !
(01-07-2023, 03:16 PM)Neea Wrote: [ -> ]Maye,

Temerity raids Sunday, Monday and Wednesday evenings ( 8 pm EST start time ).  You mentioned weekend mornings as times you can regularly play.  Are you available on Sunday evenings ?

Thanks for running Bneeo last Wednesday !

I have a standing obligation on Sunday evenings. Most of the time I wouldn't be able to log on until after 9:30 pm EST.

I had fun in PoF, and playing a high level bard was a new experience!

Edit: I want to thank all of the people that carried me to get me flagged for Valor and BoT, Kalistrate, Ophie, Neea, and Nark. If I missed anyone, please forgive me, I'm still learning!