11-14-2023, 03:43 PM
1. Who are your sponsors? (You must have two, they must have agreed to do it, and they must be full members.)
Megolash and Orgrim have both agreed to be sponsors.
2. How do you know each of your sponsors?
We raided together for a few years in Destiny and have remained friends ever since.
3. What is the name, level, race and class of your primary main character? Paste in the link to your TAKP magelo.
Eliashib – 65 Wood Elf Ranger https://www.takproject.net/magelo/charac...r=Eliashib
4. What is your handle on the TAKP forums?
5. List your shrink and EB items, as well as your means of casting gate, invis, and levitate if applicable. Do you have an insta-clicky?
Shrink – Anizok’s Minimizing Device
EB – Faerune/Ele hat
Gate – Gate potions, PoK Gate neck, OT hammer
Invis - Self-cast
Levitate - Self-cast
Insta-clicky – no good insta-click yet, but I do have a telescope and a 1-sec clicky for those fights you’ve got to have something
6. What alts do you have (name/class/level)?
Bigboned – 65 Warrior – Time Flagged/VT key https://www.takproject.net/magelo/charac...r=Bigboned
Bentin – 65 Magician – Time Flagged/VT key https://www.takproject.net/magelo/charac...har=Bentin
Rulak – 65 Monk – Time Flagged/VT key https://www.takproject.net/magelo/charac...char=Rulak
Laian – 65 Bard – Time Flagged/VT key
Hilen – 65 Shaman – Time Flagged/VT key
Poken – 65 Rogue – Time Flagged/VT key
7. What time zone do you live in, and what is your typical play schedule?
Eastern Time. Typically play evenings and weekends, with some occasional play during the day.
8. How long have you played on TAKP?
I started here in March 2020.
9. Where and when have you played EQ prior to TAKP? If you played on Al'Kabor, tell us your character names, when you were active, and what guild(s) you were in.
I played on live on Rodcet Nife starting around 2000. I was a ranger main on live and raided from Velious until Prophey of Ro. I played for about 1-2 months on p99 Green when it first launched in Fall 2019 until I decided that wasn’t for me and found TAKP in the spring.
10. Have you been in other guilds on TAKP? If so, why did you leave?
The only guild I have been in on TAKP is Destiny. My wife and I joined Destiny early summer 2020 after getting our first toons leveled up to the 50s. We both became officers/raid leaders in March 2021. I left Destiny due to the decreased turnouts on raids and the corresponding increased stress and pressure from trying to do more with too few toons. Destiny was a special place and I’ve got a lot of fond memories there with some great people and it has been incredibly hard to leave them.
11. Describe your previous EQ raiding experience. What classes have you played on raids?
I’ve raided all content from Velious until Depths of Darkhollow, along with a few PoR raids. On live, I generally only ever raided as a ranger. On TAKP, I’ve raided as a monk, warrior, mage, shaman, bard, rogue, and ranger. I’ve played a handful of other toons at various times depending on the raid’s needs, but you don’t want me as a healer.
12. Why do you want to join Temerity?
I want to join Temerity to continue raiding end-game content with good people. I’ve had the chance to hang out with a few Temerity members over the years and have always enjoyed it. Monk only group a couple years ago with Zolly was a blast, and I’ve done a few other small group things with Temerity people since that were always fun.
13. What do you expect out of EverQuest -- why do you play?
I play mostly for the social aspect, for the feeling of working together as a team to do stuff, and for fun. Loot is mostly a by-product that comes along with the rest. I’ve met a lot of people from EQ and TAKP in real life so it’s the social interaction that keeps bringing me back.
14. Anything else you want us to know?
Relaxi is my wife. We met on EQ back in….2002ish? We were in the same guild on live, and discovered that we were also in the same city. We met in real life in 2004 and started dating and have been together ever since.
Megolash and Orgrim have both agreed to be sponsors.
2. How do you know each of your sponsors?
We raided together for a few years in Destiny and have remained friends ever since.
3. What is the name, level, race and class of your primary main character? Paste in the link to your TAKP magelo.
Eliashib – 65 Wood Elf Ranger https://www.takproject.net/magelo/charac...r=Eliashib
4. What is your handle on the TAKP forums?
5. List your shrink and EB items, as well as your means of casting gate, invis, and levitate if applicable. Do you have an insta-clicky?
Shrink – Anizok’s Minimizing Device
EB – Faerune/Ele hat
Gate – Gate potions, PoK Gate neck, OT hammer
Invis - Self-cast
Levitate - Self-cast
Insta-clicky – no good insta-click yet, but I do have a telescope and a 1-sec clicky for those fights you’ve got to have something
6. What alts do you have (name/class/level)?
Bigboned – 65 Warrior – Time Flagged/VT key https://www.takproject.net/magelo/charac...r=Bigboned
Bentin – 65 Magician – Time Flagged/VT key https://www.takproject.net/magelo/charac...har=Bentin
Rulak – 65 Monk – Time Flagged/VT key https://www.takproject.net/magelo/charac...char=Rulak
Laian – 65 Bard – Time Flagged/VT key
Hilen – 65 Shaman – Time Flagged/VT key
Poken – 65 Rogue – Time Flagged/VT key
7. What time zone do you live in, and what is your typical play schedule?
Eastern Time. Typically play evenings and weekends, with some occasional play during the day.
8. How long have you played on TAKP?
I started here in March 2020.
9. Where and when have you played EQ prior to TAKP? If you played on Al'Kabor, tell us your character names, when you were active, and what guild(s) you were in.
I played on live on Rodcet Nife starting around 2000. I was a ranger main on live and raided from Velious until Prophey of Ro. I played for about 1-2 months on p99 Green when it first launched in Fall 2019 until I decided that wasn’t for me and found TAKP in the spring.
10. Have you been in other guilds on TAKP? If so, why did you leave?
The only guild I have been in on TAKP is Destiny. My wife and I joined Destiny early summer 2020 after getting our first toons leveled up to the 50s. We both became officers/raid leaders in March 2021. I left Destiny due to the decreased turnouts on raids and the corresponding increased stress and pressure from trying to do more with too few toons. Destiny was a special place and I’ve got a lot of fond memories there with some great people and it has been incredibly hard to leave them.
11. Describe your previous EQ raiding experience. What classes have you played on raids?
I’ve raided all content from Velious until Depths of Darkhollow, along with a few PoR raids. On live, I generally only ever raided as a ranger. On TAKP, I’ve raided as a monk, warrior, mage, shaman, bard, rogue, and ranger. I’ve played a handful of other toons at various times depending on the raid’s needs, but you don’t want me as a healer.
12. Why do you want to join Temerity?
I want to join Temerity to continue raiding end-game content with good people. I’ve had the chance to hang out with a few Temerity members over the years and have always enjoyed it. Monk only group a couple years ago with Zolly was a blast, and I’ve done a few other small group things with Temerity people since that were always fun.
13. What do you expect out of EverQuest -- why do you play?
I play mostly for the social aspect, for the feeling of working together as a team to do stuff, and for fun. Loot is mostly a by-product that comes along with the rest. I’ve met a lot of people from EQ and TAKP in real life so it’s the social interaction that keeps bringing me back.
14. Anything else you want us to know?
Relaxi is my wife. We met on EQ back in….2002ish? We were in the same guild on live, and discovered that we were also in the same city. We met in real life in 2004 and started dating and have been together ever since.