04-29-2024, 05:58 PM
Hello Temerity, first of all thanks for the recent flag runs!
1. Who are your sponsors? (You must have two, they must have agreed to do it, and they must be full members.)
Rorle and Gorrok
2. How do you know each of your sponsors?
Rorle- Real life friend since childhood, played together in EQ live as well
Gorrok - Grouped with Gorrok several times to get flags done and help with some class epic farming
3. What is the name, level, race and class of your primary main character? Paste in the link to your TAKP magelo.
Dingowango lvl 65 high elf magician
4. What is your handle on the TAKP forums?
5. List your shrink and EB items, as well as your means of casting gate, invis, and levitate if applicable. Do you have an insta-clicky?
No insta-clickies Have horse
6. What alts do you have (name/class/level)?
Bayerithe Druid 65
Wangodingo Shaman 65
7. What time zone do you live in, and what is your typical play schedule?
EST, at night starting from 6pm on weekdays, weekends are more open day and/or night
8. How long have you played on TAKP?
153 weeks
9. Where and when have you played EQ prior to TAKP? If you played on Al'Kabor, tell us your character names, when you were active, and what guild(s) you were in.
Played everquest (live) Xev Server up to LDoN with a SK and Bard. Don't remember the guild name as it was a small guild, we raided plane of sky, lady vox, lord nagafen, plane of hate. After that, throughout the years i played TLP servers such as Mischief, phiny, oakwynd (cleric, bard, monk). Found out from Rorle that TAKP existed and been playing since, because it's locked at PoP.
10. Have you been in other guilds on TAKP? If so, why did you leave?
I have not been in a guild on TAKP.
11. Describe your previous EQ raiding experience. What classes have you played on raids?
Mostly SK and Bard, also magician. Raided mostly in live (up to early LDoN) since i recently leveled to 65 in TAKP. Plane of sky, plane of hate, lady vox, nagafen is mostly what i raided in live back in the day.
12. Why do you want to join Temerity?
Looking for a guild that helps each other out and grouping. I have done 3 flags (hedge, Terris thule, PoJ trials) with Temerity and had a lot of fun in all of them. I have also grouped with some temerity members for exp and recently BoT keys. Rorle has always spoke highly of the guild, we (including gorrok and beldis) raided plane of sky just to get crown of elemental mastery for mage epic and eye of veeshan which was indeed a blast. I want to do end-game content in EQ and hoping i can do it with you guys.
13. What do you expect out of EverQuest -- why do you play?
Nostalgia, i have been a predominately MMORPG gamer with EQ being the first MMO i have ever played. The whole EQ system feels more rewarding than any other game in terms of getting quests done, leveling, power progression of AAs, and gear. It really revolves around teamwork and coordination. Leveling and doing content in groups has always been fun.
14. Anything else you want us to know?
I'm always willing to help and group, feel free to message me at any time! Currently still getting flagged but farming AA's in valor if you ever want to join!
1. Who are your sponsors? (You must have two, they must have agreed to do it, and they must be full members.)
Rorle and Gorrok
2. How do you know each of your sponsors?
Rorle- Real life friend since childhood, played together in EQ live as well
Gorrok - Grouped with Gorrok several times to get flags done and help with some class epic farming
3. What is the name, level, race and class of your primary main character? Paste in the link to your TAKP magelo.
Dingowango lvl 65 high elf magician
4. What is your handle on the TAKP forums?
5. List your shrink and EB items, as well as your means of casting gate, invis, and levitate if applicable. Do you have an insta-clicky?
No insta-clickies Have horse
6. What alts do you have (name/class/level)?
Bayerithe Druid 65
Wangodingo Shaman 65
7. What time zone do you live in, and what is your typical play schedule?
EST, at night starting from 6pm on weekdays, weekends are more open day and/or night
8. How long have you played on TAKP?
153 weeks
9. Where and when have you played EQ prior to TAKP? If you played on Al'Kabor, tell us your character names, when you were active, and what guild(s) you were in.
Played everquest (live) Xev Server up to LDoN with a SK and Bard. Don't remember the guild name as it was a small guild, we raided plane of sky, lady vox, lord nagafen, plane of hate. After that, throughout the years i played TLP servers such as Mischief, phiny, oakwynd (cleric, bard, monk). Found out from Rorle that TAKP existed and been playing since, because it's locked at PoP.
10. Have you been in other guilds on TAKP? If so, why did you leave?
I have not been in a guild on TAKP.
11. Describe your previous EQ raiding experience. What classes have you played on raids?
Mostly SK and Bard, also magician. Raided mostly in live (up to early LDoN) since i recently leveled to 65 in TAKP. Plane of sky, plane of hate, lady vox, nagafen is mostly what i raided in live back in the day.
12. Why do you want to join Temerity?
Looking for a guild that helps each other out and grouping. I have done 3 flags (hedge, Terris thule, PoJ trials) with Temerity and had a lot of fun in all of them. I have also grouped with some temerity members for exp and recently BoT keys. Rorle has always spoke highly of the guild, we (including gorrok and beldis) raided plane of sky just to get crown of elemental mastery for mage epic and eye of veeshan which was indeed a blast. I want to do end-game content in EQ and hoping i can do it with you guys.
13. What do you expect out of EverQuest -- why do you play?
Nostalgia, i have been a predominately MMORPG gamer with EQ being the first MMO i have ever played. The whole EQ system feels more rewarding than any other game in terms of getting quests done, leveling, power progression of AAs, and gear. It really revolves around teamwork and coordination. Leveling and doing content in groups has always been fun.
14. Anything else you want us to know?
I'm always willing to help and group, feel free to message me at any time! Currently still getting flagged but farming AA's in valor if you ever want to join!