03-19-2004, 08:58 PM
I had the loveliest time with Gorenaire last night... she's a really interesting soul.

she'd like very much to join Temerity... Sornson and I talked to her about the process, and told her that she needed to seek out our recruiters

She got a bit overzealous trying to keep Sornson out of harms way of oncoming Yeti's (as I snapped pictures... saying.. "Sornson.. a little more to the right" )

----- "I don't say we all ought to misbehave, but we ought to look as if we could." ...Orson Welles -----

she'd like very much to join Temerity... Sornson and I talked to her about the process, and told her that she needed to seek out our recruiters

She got a bit overzealous trying to keep Sornson out of harms way of oncoming Yeti's (as I snapped pictures... saying.. "Sornson.. a little more to the right" )

----- "I don't say we all ought to misbehave, but we ought to look as if we could." ...Orson Welles -----