1. Who are your sponsors? (You must have two, they must have agreed to do it, and they must be full members.)
I am currently sponsorless. I am working on this, but I wanted to get my app in to express my interest.

2. How do you know each of your sponsors?
See above.

3. What is the name, level, race and class of your primary main character? Paste in the link to your TAKP magelo.
Benzarden, Level 54 Enchanter ( )

4. List your shrink and EB items, as well as your means of casting gate, invis, and levitate if applicable. Do you have an insta-clicky?
Shrink = Gnome Illusion
EB = Water Elemental Illusion
Gate = Gate spell
Invis = Invis spell
Lev = Lev spell or Air Elemental Illusion
Clicky = Working on this. Have killed Grachnist 50+ times and no goblin skull earring. Taking a break from camping it, but will go back soon.

5. What alts do you have (name/class/level)?
Jaxon - 53 Cleric
Swoopty - 53 Magician

6. What time zone do you live in, and what is your typical play schedule?
I live in CST. I recently started a new job that requires quite a commute. So, my current playtime is typically weekday evenings fairly late and weekends. Planning on moving closer to work in the next month or two, so will be able to log on earlier during the weekdays.

7. Where and when have you played EQ before? If you played on Al'Kabor, tell us your character names, when you were active, and what guild(s) you were in.
2000 - 2006 - Everquest (Test Server, Primal Brood, Benzarden)
2006 - 2011 - WoW Break
2011 - 2013 - EQMac (Al'Kabor, In Virtue, Jaxon)
2014 - 2016 - Everquest (Povar, Triton, Benzarden)
2015 - Everquest (P99, Rampage, Boopty)

8. Describe your previous EQ raiding experience. What classes have you played on raids?
I have EQ raiding experience from Classic raids to, most recently, The Broken Mirror. I have raided the past couple of years with the guild Triton on Povar. We were the #2 guild in all of EQ for much of that time. On AK, I raided my Cleric, Jaxon, with the guild In Virtue. A lot of their players started on Al'Kabor around the same time I started there. I grouped with them while leveling up, and it was a natural transition to their guild. I believe the farthest we progressed on AK was downing the Zek brothers. Over the years,  I have accumulated Everquest raid experience playing Enchanter, Cleric, Magician, Bard, Shaman, Ranger and Wizard.

9. Why do you want to join Temerity?
On AK, I always respected the way that Temerity operated. I want to be a part of Temerity's success on TAKP and to build something great here with you all. I believe in my skills as a player, and I want be with other like-minded players.

10. What do you expect out of EverQuest -- why do you play?
The MMORPG market is extremely saturated. I have played a ton of MMOs over the years, but I haven't been able to find a game with the social aspect that Everquest has. The dependence on other classes, and other people, is what makes this game great and sets it apart for me. I love teaming up with others to take down targets that would be impossible to take down by yourself. That, to me, is the essence of Everquest.

11. Anything else you want us to know?
I am a lawyer, but I am not your lawyer.

Good to see your app!

Hey Benz,

Quirk just informed us that he's agreed to sponsor you. You'll need to find a second sponsor before we'll officially consider your application.

Tems -- please make an effort to get to know Benz in game!

Slouch, fattoknight
formerly Pithy, gnooligan


Quirk is the man! I'll be hanging out in the Tem channel to try to get to know as many people as possible!

Nice grouping with you tonight! Double charm pets ftw

Welcome Benz!! Happy to see the app and can't wait to play more. I've been in and out of town, but should be around this coming week much more. Cheers

Looking forward to you getting back to the game, Quirk!

The double charm was definitely fun, Tae. I'm all for more dual enchanting in the future.

I will be the second sponsor for Benz.

Nice to see your app benz, hope to group with you again soon!
[Image: 587.png]
[Image: 5540.png]

Awesome, thanks Brag! I'm super excited.

I need to put this Seb key to use. Let me know when you wanna head down and kill some frogs.

awesome group tonight.
[Image: 587.png]
[Image: 5540.png]

Heck yeah, man. Shrooms going down soon!

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