Language Party - Wednesday March 15
I meant to post this earlier but got a ibt distracted ...<br><br>It's been four months since we've had a language party!<br><br>How
about we try for next Wednesday, March 15? We can meet at our usual
spot in the Qeynos newb area. If you don't see us by the book, we'll be
up by the zone-out to Qeynos Hills, on the Western side.<br><br>We've been using a channel (/join language) to talk among ourselves, because /group is full of language spam.<br><br>Anyone
is welcome to come teach and or learn languages. (You can also bring
portable tradeskill stuff along, and kill two birds with one stone).<br><br>I
usually get on about 8:30 pm eastern time (5:30 pm Pacific, 12:30 am
Grenwich time) but people are welcome to start before me ... and/or
stay after I log for the night. We usually have people coming and going
as their schedule permits, so if you're interested, come on down.<br><br /><br /><br /><br>

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