02-02-2004, 06:35 PM
Compiled by Craig Pearlman
The following spells were compiled from a thread on rec.games.frp.dnd from
about a month ago. I take no credit for any of these spells.
Animate Bread
Bigby's Groping Hand
Bigby's Insulting Hand
Bigby's Really Friendly Hand
Charm Friends
Charm Potted Plants
Charm Self
Crass Suggestion
Deeppocket Lint
Delayed Blast Cantrip
Demi-Shadow Puppets
Deny Reality
Detect Self
Detect Detect-Spells
Dimension Doorknob
Drawmij's Instant Coffee
Evard's Black Testicles
Extinguish Match (casting time, 5 rounds)
Feign Life
Finger of Near Fatal Injury
Hallucinatory Train
Hold Self
Improper Suggestion
Invisibility To Inanimate Objects
Kitchen Sink
Leomund's Risky Tax Shelter
Locate Self (tells you where you are relative to your location)
Magic Sword -- Mage's can't use swords! And who wants to help the other poor slobs in the party!
Memorize Spell
Mistaken Identify
Mordenkainen's Aroused Hound
Mordenkainen's Unfaithful Wife
Mordenkainen's Faithful Mosquito
Mordenkainen's Agnostic Hound
Mordenkainen's Bored Cat
Polymorph Mother
Power Word, Noogie
Power Word, Wedgie
Power Word, Pun
Protection From Normal Oxygen
Protection From Elvis, 10' Radius
Remove Nurse (Hello, NURSE!; for YOU Mike...)
Rice Storm
Rock Summoning I
Shocking Gasp
Soap-On-A-Rope Trick
Solid Frog
Speak With Self
Summon Self
Tasha's Uncontrollable Bladder
Tasha's Controllable Mildly Unpleasant Laughter
Tasha's Uncontrollable Hideous Daughter
Teleport Without Destination
Tenser's Deadly Resurrection
Tenser's Shocking Suggestion
Wizard Stain
Wizard Eyebrow
</PRE><br /><br /><br />--<BR>
<a href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=881745">Kyth</a>, Officer of Temerity<BR>
Random quote: (<a href="http://www.frivolity.com/eq/eqq/sq.cgi">Click here to view all quotes</a>)<BR>
<img src="http://www.frivolity.com/eq/eqq/q.gif">
Compiled by Craig Pearlman
The following spells were compiled from a thread on rec.games.frp.dnd from
about a month ago. I take no credit for any of these spells.
Animate Bread
Bigby's Groping Hand
Bigby's Insulting Hand
Bigby's Really Friendly Hand
Charm Friends
Charm Potted Plants
Charm Self
Crass Suggestion
Deeppocket Lint
Delayed Blast Cantrip
Demi-Shadow Puppets
Deny Reality
Detect Self
Detect Detect-Spells
Dimension Doorknob
Drawmij's Instant Coffee
Evard's Black Testicles
Extinguish Match (casting time, 5 rounds)
Feign Life
Finger of Near Fatal Injury
Hallucinatory Train
Hold Self
Improper Suggestion
Invisibility To Inanimate Objects
Kitchen Sink
Leomund's Risky Tax Shelter
Locate Self (tells you where you are relative to your location)
Magic Sword -- Mage's can't use swords! And who wants to help the other poor slobs in the party!
Memorize Spell
Mistaken Identify
Mordenkainen's Aroused Hound
Mordenkainen's Unfaithful Wife
Mordenkainen's Faithful Mosquito
Mordenkainen's Agnostic Hound
Mordenkainen's Bored Cat
Polymorph Mother
Power Word, Noogie
Power Word, Wedgie
Power Word, Pun
Protection From Normal Oxygen
Protection From Elvis, 10' Radius
Remove Nurse (Hello, NURSE!; for YOU Mike...)
Rice Storm
Rock Summoning I
Shocking Gasp
Soap-On-A-Rope Trick
Solid Frog
Speak With Self
Summon Self
Tasha's Uncontrollable Bladder
Tasha's Controllable Mildly Unpleasant Laughter
Tasha's Uncontrollable Hideous Daughter
Teleport Without Destination
Tenser's Deadly Resurrection
Tenser's Shocking Suggestion
Wizard Stain
Wizard Eyebrow
</PRE><br /><br /><br />--<BR>
<a href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=881745">Kyth</a>, Officer of Temerity<BR>
Random quote: (<a href="http://www.frivolity.com/eq/eqq/sq.cgi">Click here to view all quotes</a>)<BR>
<img src="http://www.frivolity.com/eq/eqq/q.gif">