Utdaan, we know you weren't there, but we're pretty sure he was looking at you funny anyways.
Then we took out all 4 BoT tower bosses. Now, I could show you pictures of the crawl. And they'd look pretty much like every other mob in lower BoT. Heck, they don't even look any different from Gaukr and the minis. Or instead I could show you a picture of a zone feature that is prominent in our discussions when we are in BoT. We could discuss strategies. We could discuss AE's. We could discuss resists, dps, or heal strategies. But no, we usually talk about the electric penix instead:
There is one picture relevent to the raid: we killed Brynju Thunderclap for the first time on Al`Kabor. you can see his scary scary corpse and our leet mob positioning skills that led to our raid's success:
One of the reasons we love having Janribet along is that he is always willing to sacrifice himself to illustrate key raid points:
(30 seconds later)
And finally, the quotes from the last two raid days: