02-08-2005, 04:00 AM
Tonight Temerity stormed into PoTactics and after several unsuccessful attempts (with various people having to leave as the hour got later) and a full 7 hours in the zone, Vallon Zek fell for the first time on Al`Kabor. We are sure we could hear Quarm quaking in his boots as he realized that the first of many PoP bosses between us and him was dead.
Of course this is after we did the 3 PoI prototypes, Vindi, Statue, and Tormax earlier in the day -- so we were a little tired by the end.
All told, in fact, we killed him 37 times tonight =). That is one *dead* mob. Everyone was amazingly persistant and patient, but it would have been meaningless without the crack pull team of Sikkorak and Sassis: they went into the event cold and did an amazing job of separating out the mobs. And they only died about 342 times each too!
And grats Zorblak and Presto: