Akin to ramp...: "long standing" MMO mysteries
Sukaisi Wrote:No, I meant your dps in Phase 3 affects the frequency of fears in Phase 3. Like, she'll fear more often (usually before berserker rage cooldown) if the raid's dps is low.

Ah. I knew you probably meant something else other than what I was thinking, but was too tired to put any more thoughts into it. Smile And you're a lock. OF COURSE you're bound to pull aggro and die, Kyth. Wink

As for Ony fight, we actually have a lock tank her a bit between phase 2 and 3...mainly because we know they'll die anyways, but it's actually been some of the smoothest transitions in awhile. But that's another deal.

If Blizzard didn't mean for me to pull aggro they wouldn't have given me demon armor, high HP, and searing pain.

(Still trying to teach our tank that using searing pain on things like the gargoyles in Naxx, and on Noth right before he blinks is Okay, Really (tm).)

When I'm 3-manning things with my rogue and shaman friends, the rogue always tanks for the first half and then I tank for the 2nd half (my other option being 'stop dps'ing' of course) -- our shaman friend is content healing either Smile.
TAKP: Styx (shd), Kythers (wiz), Kynn (mag), Kyth (not a cleric),
AK: Kyth, Killer of Gods and Tanks, retired officer of Temerity

My guild was farming Onyxia for a long time. Actually we found that the DoT's on her caused aggro after phase 3 hit so we had to stop them about 5% before phase 3 and do straight nukes from there. If a DoT was on her then she would randomly attack people who had done damage to her during phase 2. This problem was simply solved by not attack during phase 2 when she was relatively close to phase 3. using mages we would slowly nuke her down unti phase 3 when landing the tank taunts and builds aggro. When the tank has plenty of aggro with 5 sunders we dps'd slowly then at 20% open up with damage. I don't know when we figured it out, but it was a pretty long time ago. Onyxia was never really that hard. We've single grouped her pretty easy never bothered to 3 man because want one of every class to have a shot at their helm.
Btw....this is Tidas =p

Heya Tidas - thought I saw you pop in PoK the other day! Good to see you,

Forest Stalker Thiklan Ghengis
>>-------->   Keeper of the Wood :p
Thiklan's Mac'Gelo  Nesta's Mac'Gelo

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