05-03-2007, 11:10 AM
Last night, Temerity's raid force made its first foray into the Tower of Solusek Ro, and laid waste to the place. First, we headed up towards Arlyxir, stopping to kill Galremos and his 50 little buddies along the way. We slew the bird, then dropped like flies to some invisible warder, but managed to rez back in, take his lewtz and continue on. We then continued on to Jiva's tower, where we tore through in short order, killed him, and danced around his corpse singing and laughing.
This post would have been a lot more interesting if I'd remembered to take pictures. If anyone sends me some good ones, I'll edit this and make it better.
This post would have been a lot more interesting if I'd remembered to take pictures. If anyone sends me some good ones, I'll edit this and make it better.