08-30-2005, 08:30 AM
(also posted to eqmac.com)
I am nowhere near the first on the server to finish this particularly useless key, nor even the first in Tem. And I only did it because I'm terribly addicted to (a) new zones, and (b) dying.
did I mention the dying?
I corpsed myself in PoTranq, got some buffs and invis potions and headed in. I love DA... DB.... BDA..... it made the exploring so much more fun -- an entire 72 seconds of invulnerability when BDA was up!
And I even made a movie out of it....
http://www.frivolity.com/eq/movies/vp.html -- about 10mb.
All my EQ videos: http://www.frivolity.com/eq/movies/
Kyth, Officer of Temerity
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I am nowhere near the first on the server to finish this particularly useless key, nor even the first in Tem. And I only did it because I'm terribly addicted to (a) new zones, and (b) dying.
did I mention the dying?

I corpsed myself in PoTranq, got some buffs and invis potions and headed in. I love DA... DB.... BDA..... it made the exploring so much more fun -- an entire 72 seconds of invulnerability when BDA was up!
And I even made a movie out of it....

All my EQ videos: http://www.frivolity.com/eq/movies/
Kyth, Officer of Temerity
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