bunch of vids

since the guilds getting into PoP and such, lot of cool vids here. i use to go there and like 'oh whats that zone with that gold guy with a sickle' or 'wtf with all those skeletons', now its even more entertaining to watch knowing most of whats going on. the long one thats like VTCoDHOHSeru one has stomach event in it as well as the caprin cycle (with skelies).

all (except banned ranger?) are havenlight guild videos, and pretty kick ass ones at that.

UnRetired member of Temerity
if you can read this, you're browsing the web wrong.

I hate viewing videos for zones/mobs I haven't been to yet.

Just a personal thing. I like the surprise.

I'll poke at the ones we have seen though, thanks for the link.


Kyth, Officer of Temerity

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i think the only one would be time.

strangely, DLing vids of zones i havent seen yet is what got me onto raiding and what has kept me wanting to raid hah.

btw, i hate 'design' view of guildportal, i can code an entire css page
from scratch, yet i cant figure out how to make one simple link on here
in the user friendly version? bah.

UnRetired member of Temerity
if you can read this, you're browsing the web wrong.

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