Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away... Temerity was giving the Elemental gods the proverbial finger. And the best part is: YOU CAN TOO!
![[Image: airemp.jpg]](http://www.temerityguild.org/images/news/airemp.jpg)
Cause, seriously, any god that decorates their domain with butterflies, rainbows, AND spiders deserves to get smacked
I know what you're thinking: "But Del! Such a large, evil empire such as yourselves, that executes raids with such discipline and ability must be hard to get into and incredibly uptight!" To that I say... They let me in, didn't they?
Our guild requirements are available for perusal here. We have no required raid attendance. We play this game for fun and it shows.
![[Image: zeksonaplane.jpg]](http://www.temerityguild.org/images/news/zeksonaplane.jpg)
Guild chat sometimes manifests into photoshop ridiculousness
While going all Death Star on the Elemental Planes might be the focal point of this guild, we're a guild full of people who enjoy pushing the boundaries of this game to its limits. We've had Rogues MT our good ol' buddy Seru, we've had single groups running amok in Veeshan's Peak, we've even had intrepid hunters attempting to duo and trio the likes of Yelinak, Zelnithak, The Junk Beast, and the Dracoliche!
![[Image: earthemp.jpg]](http://www.temerityguild.org/images/news/earthemp.jpg)
Pictured: The guild going all Death Star on some PoEb minis with Wizman literally just being the Death Star
So your next question is probably, "Why Temerity?" Well, that's for you to decide. This server is filled with good guilds and you should take the time to examine each one to find the right fit for you. But if you want a snazzy helmet and if you have a deep rooted hatred for all things small, furry, and teddy bear-like in nature, Temerity might just be the guild for you.
![[Image: ewok3.jpg]](http://www.temerityguild.org/images/news/ewok3.jpg)
Seriously, just looking at it makes my blood boil with rage
![[Image: airemp.jpg]](http://www.temerityguild.org/images/news/airemp.jpg)
Cause, seriously, any god that decorates their domain with butterflies, rainbows, AND spiders deserves to get smacked
I know what you're thinking: "But Del! Such a large, evil empire such as yourselves, that executes raids with such discipline and ability must be hard to get into and incredibly uptight!" To that I say... They let me in, didn't they?
Our guild requirements are available for perusal here. We have no required raid attendance. We play this game for fun and it shows.
![[Image: zeksonaplane.jpg]](http://www.temerityguild.org/images/news/zeksonaplane.jpg)
Guild chat sometimes manifests into photoshop ridiculousness
While going all Death Star on the Elemental Planes might be the focal point of this guild, we're a guild full of people who enjoy pushing the boundaries of this game to its limits. We've had Rogues MT our good ol' buddy Seru, we've had single groups running amok in Veeshan's Peak, we've even had intrepid hunters attempting to duo and trio the likes of Yelinak, Zelnithak, The Junk Beast, and the Dracoliche!
![[Image: earthemp.jpg]](http://www.temerityguild.org/images/news/earthemp.jpg)
Pictured: The guild going all Death Star on some PoEb minis with Wizman literally just being the Death Star
So your next question is probably, "Why Temerity?" Well, that's for you to decide. This server is filled with good guilds and you should take the time to examine each one to find the right fit for you. But if you want a snazzy helmet and if you have a deep rooted hatred for all things small, furry, and teddy bear-like in nature, Temerity might just be the guild for you.
![[Image: ewok3.jpg]](http://www.temerityguild.org/images/news/ewok3.jpg)
Seriously, just looking at it makes my blood boil with rage