03-21-2004, 08:28 AM
When good horses go bad:

Speaking of horses, who gave these guys a quadriped?

This is what happens when you get on my bad side:

But to be fair, I DO like his brother:

But having your virtual boyfriend continually pace through Everfrost is tough - you need to know how to bounce back from 'little setbacks' and keep on going:

One never knows what one will see when out on a raid. Gnatzilla gives a whole new meaning to the old slogan "Put a tiger in your tank" !!

And just in case anyone was wondering what barbarian warriors REALLY have on under that kilt of theirs:

Hope you enjoyed the photo display. Thanks to Bastette for helping me get the pix on the server!
-- Taupau

Speaking of horses, who gave these guys a quadriped?

This is what happens when you get on my bad side:

But to be fair, I DO like his brother:

But having your virtual boyfriend continually pace through Everfrost is tough - you need to know how to bounce back from 'little setbacks' and keep on going:

One never knows what one will see when out on a raid. Gnatzilla gives a whole new meaning to the old slogan "Put a tiger in your tank" !!

And just in case anyone was wondering what barbarian warriors REALLY have on under that kilt of theirs:

Hope you enjoyed the photo display. Thanks to Bastette for helping me get the pix on the server!

-- Taupau