Insignia Farmin' 8/4
Everybody's favorite zone, Vex Thal, is coming up on Tem rotation in a couple weeks, and everybody's favorite keying quests (Emp and VT keys) are on the minds of all you new guys! With that in mind, figure tonight would be a good time to nab some insignias for you applicants that are in the intersecting Venn diagram of "Doesn't have Emp key" and "Needs Insignia for Emp key"

I guess we can plan on this for around 8:30 or 9 PM Eastern, and see how many we've got needing this piece. Maybe we'll even hit Cursed afterward if people aren't fed up with Ssra (Triggers up as of this post). I can only think of 5 mains off the top of my head that need insignias, so this should be pretty fast. Hopefully we'll get a few in need that show up, but if not, you've still got two weeks before Temerity's turn at VT. Figured some people might want this part over and done with, and better to get it done early than late!

Edit: Nevermind! Rysia saved the day, so gonna give this a shot. A bit later than anticipated, but hey, whatever works.

Edit 2: Just finished up. HUGE thanks to Rysia, Chiba, and Kwel. Rysia saved our bacon when it looked like we were SOL, and Chiba/Kwel helped make it a pretty smooth experience, all things considered. Couple people get to finish up their VT keys tomorrow thanks to you fine folks!

My eyes, my eyes, they burn!

I wanted to thank our sponsor offically.

[Image: 24.png]

Oh how we shared long nights hunting the little nasty sticks and other snake oddities!

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