05-27-2004, 07:31 PM
<a href="http://www.csupomona.edu/~jelerma/springfield/index.html"><br /><u>Guide to Springfield, USA.</u></a> <br /><br />From the web page........<br /><br />The mapping of Springfield began in the Spring of 2001 when it became evident that no adequate map of Springfield existed either online or in print. Initially the content was derived from the City Profile and Springfield Vacation pages at The Simpsons Archive, but it has since been augmented by numerous viewings of most episodes of The Simpsons by the authors.<br /><br />While the placement of most locations is arbitrary, many are placed according to where they appear in relationship to each other in specific episodes of The Simpsons. In some cases 'one-time references' to specific locations have been disregarded in favor of others more often repeated. Due to the many inconsistencies among episodes, the map will never be completely accurate.<br /><br />Although we'd like our map to be as accurate as a map to any imaginary place can be, our main intent is to preserve the comic spirit of Springfield, document its unique identity, and to have some fun at the same time.<br /><br /><br /><A href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=879868" target=_blank><U>Sornson</U></A>...a son of Sorn. lvl 56 Cleric