08-31-2005, 04:00 AM
We killed the biggest ranger of them all tonight: Tallon Zek.
We took a cold run at him the other night. Got him to about 75, but had some stuff to work on.
Tonight we had what seemed to be a great attempt. Then someone evac'd the entire magic DPS group when he was at 80. We still got him to 22 before wipe, but clearly a rematch was needed.
Rez, rebuff, crawl...... dead Tallon Zek.
Fun fight, so far one of my favorites in EQ. Not horribly intensive but still takes focus and attention.
Nice guild corpse shot from Futoty:
The corpse:
What happens when Mangroas is left alone with corpses (or even, not left alone. If you're not sure which is which, here's a hint: the ogre guy isn't the pet):
He was "charming" in his loot -- grats Sassis and Flubward: