The Day the Ranger Tanked
Want a new update, everyone cries!

Well, old news by now, but let's make it front page news: Congrats to Utdaan for being Al`Kabor's first non-plate tank of Seru. Unslowed. For 8 minutes.

In a truly amazing feat of bugginess, Lord Inquisitor "Jackass" Seru warped into the pillar at 69% health and summoned Futoty (our only slower) into it, which caused him to warp out of the Arx.

[Sat Oct 29 14:42:48 2005] Futoty tells the raid, 'Summoned to Arena... not in SERU range'
[Sat Oct 29 14:42:59 2005] You tell temraidcore:4, 'we're fucked'

This left some pretty worried healers, as it would mean killing Seru unslowed, and we'd decided not to bring any heal bots for extra insurance.

[Sat Oct 29 14:43:11 2005] Futoty tells temheals:5, '3 minutes 45 sec till slow drops.. kill fast'

Showing a "temerity" that only a Luclin mob would show, Seru one-upped himself shortly after that, when we'd burned him down to 40% health (didn't think you could "burn down" Seru did you, eh?):

[Sat Oct 29 14:47:20 2005] Lord Inquisitor Seru says 'You will not evade me Piamiles!'
[Sat Oct 29 14:47:22 2005] Utdaan tells the raid, 'Lord Inquisitor Seru at 40%'
[Sat Oct 29 14:47:24 2005] Lord Inquisitor Seru says 'You will not evade me Wizrobe!'
[Sat Oct 29 14:47:25 2005] Your target is out of range, get closer!
[Sat Oct 29 14:47:26 2005] Your target is out of range, get closer!
[Sat Oct 29 14:47:26 2005] Your target is out of range, get closer!
[Sat Oct 29 14:47:29 2005] Lord Inquisitor Seru says 'You will not evade me Wizrobe!'
[Sat Oct 29 14:47:29 2005] Wizrobe is struck by a sudden force.
[Sat Oct 29 14:47:29 2005] Lord Inquisitor Seru executes a FLURRY of attacks on Wizrobe!

[Sat Oct 29 14:47:31 2005] Piamiles tells the raid, 'summoned away'
[Sat Oct 29 14:47:32 2005] You tell temraidcore:4, 'pia just warped away'

[Sat Oct 29 14:47:34 2005] Lord Inquisitor Seru says 'I will cleanse the filth from BOTH worlds!'
[Sat Oct 29 14:47:34 2005] Wizrobe has been slain by Lord Inquisitor Seru!
[Sat Oct 29 14:47:34 2005] Lord Inquisitor Seru executes a FLURRY of attacks on Wizrobe's corpse!

Our leet DPS tank rotation started at that point, with Wizrobe, Nolan, Starsha, Zorblak, and Myrbob all doing flawless handoffs one to the other (err, I mean, dying at the hand of Seru while he summoned and mercilessly killed them all.)

We had no plate tanks left, as Thoran was asked to camp out, but luckily Utdaan managed to get aggro. Woo!

Now our only problem is a 7190 HP, 1655 AC ranger.

Tanking Seru.

Did we mention he was unslowed? With no hope of slow?

Luckily we did not lose a single healer however (that burn-down call for the DPS was effective there, as was Nik and Utdaan stepping in to gain aggro), and so for the next eight minutes the healers pulled mana out of who knows where and kept the tightest, cleanest, most beautiful CH rot/spot heal combo and kept Utdaan alive.

The best moment of the fight came when Seru decided to summon Piamiles at low HP aggro (he warped them into a bunch of mobs) and kill him, leaving Piamiles's sexy corpse at my feet ready to be rezzed.

He was rezzed, rebuffed, and medded up and stepped in and the tanks and healers executed a perfect tank switch, neither tank dying. With things under control we got the DPS back up and paid Seru back for those tricks.

Grats Leisure:

Grats Lexani:

Grats Starsha on winning the /random:


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