03-02-2009, 12:05 PM
Hey guys its Tanrau.
Just thought I would stop in and say hello and I hope you all are doing great. I went off to play WoW on the server cairne. I started a guild there named Darnassians Legacy. My toons names are Snowscara or Icescara. The whole family plays even some people I knew from EQ on PC.
I miss you all. Kaotic I hope your kicking ass and taking names still,
and Jargoni *hugs*
... Be safe you guys and I will stop in again to say hello if thats ok?.
I am sorry for taking this long to do it.
I also am sorry for just up and leaving.
RL came first and then when I got that under control I was talked into playing WoW
Be good and I miss you all.

I miss you all. Kaotic I hope your kicking ass and taking names still,

I am sorry for taking this long to do it.

RL came first and then when I got that under control I was talked into playing WoW

Be good and I miss you all.