eqmac problem
Anyone in contact with Khama?&nbsp; I think there are still problems on eqmac.com with a virus, or some sort of spyware.<BR><BR>When going to the forums page, CA antivirus identifies&nbsp;spyware/trojan Java.Shinwow.W - my guess is that the banner ad provider has a problem.&nbsp; Just a guess, though.&nbsp; I'm not going to poke around the site much from work<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_happy.gif"><BR><BR><A href="http://www3.ca.com/securityadvisor/virusinfo/virus.aspx?ID=36651">http://www3.ca.com/securityadvisor/virusinfo/virus.aspx?ID=36651</A><BR><BR>In my Java cache, I see a loaderadv439.jar.zip file (not whole name) from&nbsp;&nbsp;IP address<BR><BR>Our corporate firewall with Symantec AV is blocking downloader/trojan content from the same IP address.&nbsp; This address is mixed in with other eqmac.com traffic<BR><BR>I think this is specifically targeted at WinXP and Internet Explorer.&nbsp; Our PCs are not fully patched - probably why I am seeing the issue.<BR><BR><br /><br /><br /><A href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=1183987" target=_blank><FONT color=#ff0000>Rrin</FONT></A> - Vah Shir Shaman<BR>Rril - Human Warrior<BR>Rrot - Ogre Shaman<BR>Patera - Human Cleric<BR>Pathfinders of Al'Kabor<BR>

will fix it now, thanks.<br /><br /><br />--<BR>
<a href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=881745">Kyth</a>, Officer of Temerity<BR>
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