My account Forsaken
I heard that my account with my Ranger Forsaken might have made it over to a Temerity player. If anyone knows of this could you please email me some info. I was really hoping to say hello to my friends in Alkabor

Bluee "the original"

email me @

No one in Tem has Forsaken. I've only seen that toon with a DC tag.
[Image: cUfeQ.jpg]

Wulfgar 52 Warrior....frolicking in PoFire!

chown -R us ./base
[Image: 1874700.png]
[Image: 3656981.png]

thank you for the reply, im having the hardest time tracking down my old account. Last I heard Bayle might have had him...

Oh well. If anyone hears anything let me know


Ahh, Bayle, that old skaliwag. I can't recall him having your account Bluee and never had a Tem tag. Bayle had Beiel too, so did he need another ranja?
Arguile Ganjpuffer

Shtop looking at me shwan.

If you are the original account-holder, shouldn't you just be able to log into the station and change the password with your secret question?

Or am I missing something?
Wookie is just this guy, ya know.

If you cannot remember your super duper sekret password, then you can always call SOE direct and go that route in getting your account back. Have known a few people who've done that.


I see your cleric around. She's in DC. I don't recall meeting a character named Forsaken. Were they on the same account? Good luck with your search.


Bayle is the original account holder of Forsaken so he is the only one who can have it reset. But I can't login much to talk to him.

Beiel is the same ranger as Forsaken, just a name change

If anyone is talking to him please have him change password and let me know

he gave me account a long time ago.

email me at

Unfortunately, we've heard very little from Bayle for quite some time - perhaps he'll poke his head in here sometime and you'll get lucky.

Bummer dood -

Forest Stalker Thiklan Ghengis
>>-------->   Keeper of the Wood :p
Thiklan's Mac'Gelo  Nesta's Mac'Gelo

[Image: ThiklanFinal.jpg]

I actually took one of the acts bayle was paying for over, and as a result, i *think* I have his email, I might be able to contact him for you.

Ithilian Wrote:I actually took one of the acts bayle was paying for over, and as a result, i *think* I have his email, I might be able to contact him for you.

I can't seem to get a hold of Ithilian to see if he has that info? Would anyone else have Beiel/Bayles name so I can try to contact him? Or his email. My son wants his own account now so I was really wanting to get this one back.

i know he has SpecialD and SpecialD33

any help would be great. I want to have this setup for him when he gets home from his mothers

Cheers guys

Ithilian Wrote:I actually took one of the acts bayle was paying for over, and as a result, i *think* I have his email, I might be able to contact him for you.

I PM'd Ithilian although I havn't heard back about this. Would anyone here have Beiel / Bayles name so I can activate my old account. or his present email address might help if I can get ahold of him.

My son is wanting an account so I was looking forward to using this one again.

Any help would be appreciated.

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