Temerity enters Tier 7
Lookie what we found while exploring SSRA. The body of an Arch Lich!

Nikolai Lianfyrr,
Khati Sha Feral Lord

Edited by Bastette 9/1/2004 11:04 PM (Most Recent)

There are a couple of fights that stand out in my mind.

....our first PoJ trial
....the first King Tormax kill
....the oh-so-painful 0% AoW attempt.

Thank you, guildmates, for adding another kill to that list.

....the first Arch Lich kill!


Kyth, Officer of Temerity

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The first Creator kill was much more memorable for me. It's a much easier fight, but we were missing a significant portion of our 'typical' raiding force...

An awesome night regardless. Congrats everyone!

-- Bastette of Medivh
-- Bastette of Al'Kabor

So far my most memorable day was the day we wiped to Terris Thule.

After the fun of the hedge event, the excitement of zoning into PoNb, everyone was in such good spirits that we decided to wipe to Terris Thule for the fun of it. The spirit of that day was fantastic.

I look forward to more server firsts with the best guild in all the land.


first god kill, first raid with tem while applying, great raid period, got to see a new zone, still have photos from it.

GJ on AL

UnRetired member of Temerity
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