Aarlo's business endeavor...
Tired of the experience grind? Bored of the hack 'n slash? Ready to pull your pet's hair out?

Then lose yourself for a day in one of Aarlo's Adventures. Currently, we have a special package running in the Plane of Skydiving. For only 150pp you, too, can experience the thrill of flailing limbs and breathless screams, as you plummet to Norrath's face:

[Click image for enlarged view]

Package price does not include purchase of a parachute, camera, or clean underwear. It is the responsibility of the customer to provide these amenities.

-- Aarlo Farlo (Magelo)

hehe, he's not the only one with a new hobby

-- Bastette of Medivh
-- Bastette of Al'Kabor

ooooo..... I wanna go! I love adventure! I love new places! I sleep in the Plane of Nightmare! I will fly in the plane of sky (aka Airplane).

Danidianya Whitestar

Warder of Al'Kabor

Protector of Jaggedpine

Fletcher of Temerity



Had that in pok once, was too frozen in confusion to remember to screenshot =) Guess Celestia likes skydiving to =)

•Soul Destroyer 65 SHM
•Trog 65 SK
•Rhaughne Dragonlord 65 BL
-Friend of the Horde-
-Member of Temerity-


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