tink is the real purple tellytubby!!!!!!!!

Spinjas says: Mobs Dont kill people, chanters with mobs kill people.

((charm breaks)))

Spinjas says : Yeah ok ouch!!

This Is Spin-Bots Gear

Edited by Spinja 5/25/2004 3:02 AM (Most Recent)

Ikky women have a strange taste for Gnomes I read on Daily Al'Kabor

Lashima, 60 Dwarven Priest

Formerly, Mishikal. 60 Undead Priest

Nice, i wish i only had to memorize 3 spells.

Lucinda Longbeard - Cleric of Brell, 62 - Magelo Profile

oh man spin.. you need a new ui, you can barely see anything there.

Holy necromancer of jebus

Holy crap, how can you play in such a low resolution? Or do you have everything crowded into the middle for some reason?

Actually I played in the same resolution until I figured out I could change it a few weeks ago...

Every time you don't donate me your posessions, I kill a kitten.

Irrik Endil

Lvl 46 Shadow Knight

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