The TLP Server
What character(s) are everybody planning on rolling? Hoping to look y'all up once the server goes live.

Planning a SK/SHM 2box myself, name of Bhuugok and Taggruk.

If you want to load a second instance of the TLP from Terminal on Mac, use this command:

open -n ~/Desktop/takdev/ --args patchme /ticket:username/password

Change "~/Desktop/takdev/" to the directory where lives on your computer. Change "username" to the username of one of your TAKP accounts. Change "password" to the corresponding password.

Note the "-n" after open, which tells Terminal to load a new instance of the app. Without this, it will just foreground the instance that's already open.

Slouch, fattoknight
formerly Pithy, gnooligan


I have this working on my laptop. Trying to figure out what I did to get the terminal working there. PLS HALP )

I bring up a terminal window. Type open ~Desktop/TAKPTLP/ --args patchme /ticket:Username/Password into it. Now what ? Someone suggested hitting hte up arrow. is that ^ ? or up as in the 4 movement keys ?

How do I name and save that terminal ?
Neea Cleric
Zneea Wizardess
Gnomeo Gnome

Neea, I'd suggest opening TextEdit and typing in the command you want there. Then copy it, open Terminal, and paste it in. That will launch one instance. To launch another, open TextEdit again, change the username/password, open the same Terminal window again, and paste.

Slouch, fattoknight
formerly Pithy, gnooligan


I'm planning on a Hum Mnk (Syphie) and Hum Dru (Year) duo. I think having a porter is going to be necessary for my sanity in this era, hah.

Also, getting invalid name/password when I try to log into second account
Neea Cleric
Zneea Wizardess
Gnomeo Gnome

And only 5 skins of milk !
Neea Cleric
Zneea Wizardess
Gnomeo Gnome

where's Sketchy when you need some milkbags!

Slouch, fattoknight
formerly Pithy, gnooligan


I am in!

Chars are Avocado and Nutella

Just saw maybe the server first train to the PoD lift in GFay...

I'm Richard and Randy, gnomes.

Solved. I had to duplicate my EQ folder and edit the eqhost file.

Neea, I'd suggest opening TextEdit and typing in the command you want there. Then copy it, open Terminal, and paste it in. That will launch one instance. To launch another, open TextEdit again, change the username/password, open the same Terminal window again, and paste.

Pithy, when I do what you suggest I get this message in my terminal window after copy/paste/enter

The files /Users/ME/—args, /Users/ME/patchme, and /ticket:USERNAME/Password do not exist.
ME-iMac-3:~ ME$

EDIT: I do NOT have this working on laptop. Am being taken to dev server , even though I change the eqhost.txt files
Neea Cleric
Zneea Wizardess
Gnomeo Gnome

Landan got guild lead of Temerity and is in Greater Faydark.

I will be on later tonight to maybe invite people on Faydwer.

Once I can bind (or make someone else do it) I'll make the trek from Qeynos for an invite!

Still struggling. This is from a post from Quaos "Getting TAKProject Up & Running for OSX" dated 6/17/14.

1) Place the original EverQuest Mac app in your computer's Applications folder (not your User Applications folder).
Name it  I think this is where I am going wrong.  When I use finder to search for Applications folders, I get MacintoshHD>Users>MYName>Applications ( a "plain folder" )  Also a MYName>Applications ( folder with that special A " on it )
Where do I put the ? And how ? Just copy/paste ?

2) Download this file:

* DO NOT open or alter this file in any way. Copy the file from where you have downloaded it and paste into:>Right Click>Open Package Contents>Contents>Resources
Click Replace
This is the eqhost.tx file. 

3) Download this file and place it on your Desktop:
Extract by double clicking the zip.
Then, right click and select Open With>Other and select
Where the 3rd line says "username" delete and enter your username. Where it says "password" delete and enter your password.
Save the file.

This is the #!/bin/bash file I have been using for years. 
4) Double click and play!
Neea Cleric
Zneea Wizardess
Gnomeo Gnome

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