--INCOMING a Wolfpaws--
I just wanted to say that I'm hooked on Temerity and I look forward to meeting the rest of you I dont already know and hunting with ya. I wish to join your ranks in the near future!

I hope this is a good spot for a long intro:

My character is Wolfpaws Furboots. She's a woodie Druid currently ascending the lower 50s. I look forward to exp'ing with Tem in the planes even more and leveling her up.
EQ was my intro to mmo's, and I played small-time in classic and kunark. I've raided extensively in other games, WoW in particular, but have very limited knowledge of the endgame PoP content here on Al'Kabor. Likewise I don't know every other class's lvl 65 spellset yet, but I'm quickly picking up the lingo...
[INDENT]Pane says, 'starting rotation'
Bacchus says, 'tashed'
--now I try to put 2 + 2 together and come up with 'bong.' cashed already? Guess Bacchus never heard of puff, puff, pass....[/INDENT]

But seriously, I'm a very handy researcher and I immediately popped over to dwin's spell site (fantastic btw), hit enchanter, Apple-f searched 'tash' and learned the specifics on the debuff. I guess that means I should be looking for a sponsor deluxe; and I really love how well and how thoroughly the people of Temerity have organized the important information---I would really love to see the pages that are indexed in the Strategy and Tactics forum (and I hope to soon add to them).
I've already found Temerity to be very, very helpful in showing how to advance and get keyed and flagged. Which I guess leads me to the last part of my post...

THANKS to Temerity for getting me my PoJ trial, to Stamm for turning me on to several great questlines and exp'in with me in the planes, Wemsler for lots of druidly help, tips, and killing Elysians, Faite for the hobgoblin surprise, Pane for inviting me to kill the burrower in AC, and esp to Moonglum for leveling with me and all kinds of jazz since that day I was in crushbone and all of a sudden Chorus of Marr starts pounding and this big blue bard appears and when asked says, "ehh I'm bored and at work..."

So to all in Temerity, please holler if theres anything you need that a 50+ Tunarean Druid can do for ya!


Welcome Wolf!
[Image: cUfeQ.jpg]

Wulfgar 52 Warrior....frolicking in PoFire!

chown -R us ./base
[Image: 1874700.png]
[Image: 3656981.png]

You rock in my book. I cannot wait to see you in action in our ranks. HUZZAH! Big Grin
Uerinka Ganjpuffer  I was going to conquer the world, then I got distracted by something sparkly....
250+Trophy in Tailoring, Baking, Jewelcraft, Fletching and Pottery. Smithing 233+15%
Narkotika    Kismet    Starleigh   Moonbeam

Welcome Wolfpaws! Look forward to adventuring alongside you!


Aww see this is why I was hesitant to start thanking by names -- leave too many people out.
UERI! You've been there (well... not always at the keyboard....) with smiles, hugs, and KEI since Wolf's day 1. TY for all the help.
Can't wait to see ya again in game!

Welcome Wolfpaws - looking forward to seeing more of you!


Welcome to the crew!

[Image: sig.jpg]
[SIZE="1"]Faite, Paladin of Temerity on Al'Kabor[/SIZE]...................... ...........................[SIZE="1"]Faites, Shaman of Temerity on Al'Kabor[/SIZE]

Great to see you post here WP! Look forward to grouping and raiding with ya in the future.Smile
[Image: 1000.png]

[Image: 522.png]

Hey Furboots! Nice talking to you ingame last week.

PS: All Fenneddar's heals go to me instead


It's been great grouping with you so far, Wolfie. Looking forward to lots more!
Marshall Stamm Bladecaster - 65 Overlord, max AA (559).  GM Blacksmith, Baker.
Hunter Flankar Flamecaller - 65 Forest Stalker, 500+ AA.  GM Baker, Fletcher, Brewer, Jeweler.
Exarch Barbarra Bodybaggins - 65 Archon, 400+ AA. GM Tailor, Potter.

pshhh i always puff puff pass... but if im int he middle of the rotation ive been known to be too blazed to realize that im hitting it every time it passes me rather than passing back to the starting line :p ... great to see your post wolfpaws and i look forward to killing some stuffs with you (and to show you the beauty of charming in nightmare)

I love all my little minions... until they turn on me and i have to break their pretty little necks.

Hallooooo! ^o^

Yay Wolfie - nice to see you post. Been fun jammin with you - Droods and Rangers are like near cousins and what not you tree huggin herbalist.

Check you out around Norrath real soon-like and stuff!

Forest Stalker Thiklan Ghengis
>>-------->   Keeper of the Wood :p
Thiklan's Mac'Gelo  Nesta's Mac'Gelo

[Image: ThiklanFinal.jpg]

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