Hedge run sun March 29
Planning on a hedge run around 2030 cst if enough people show up.

So please if you newer people can make it, please meet us at the stones in plane of tranquility.

46+ is the minimum requirement for this event. Please make sure you have the preflags, you can get them here PoP Flags
[Image: sig.jpg]
[SIZE="1"]Faite, Paladin of Temerity on Al'Kabor[/SIZE]...................... ...........................[SIZE="1"]Faites, Shaman of Temerity on Al'Kabor[/SIZE]

awesome. ill be there

Sorry can't make it, have to catch up on some stuff for work. :mad:

Just in the category of FYI, Kept has his hedge and TT.
[Image: 597.png]
Medicineman (65 Human Mith Marr Cleric), Twinblades (65 Dwarf Rogue), Rejected (65 Gnome Bertox Necro),
Cathbu (65 Halfling Karana Druid), Savmaster (65 Vah Shir Beastlord), Tenash Urteeth (65 Vah Shir Shaman),
Oben (65 Erudite Mage),

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