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Wanted to update everyone on my status in game. I am currently 46 now(woot Planes access) and finished up my Workers Sledgemallet(gate) quest this weekend. I also obtained my SEB key and had an amazing time Friday night killing froggies with Groguk and friends. I also got my DSP shard(VT) during the week grinding exp. While they are all baby steps, its one less item/drop I need to worry about as I continue my journey to 55 and post my formal application.
Leveling should pick up a bit for me as real life gets back to normal. Easter has passed and my co-worker/friend was buried this weekend so with that behind me hopefully things shall stabilize. Also, I would like to make mention that I was dragging my feet waiting on my good friend Gomba(Brandon). Unfortunately he has decided to step away from EQ before he gets to "addicted" as he continues to wrap up his Pharmacist degree. I guess we could say thats a good thing  .
Lastly, thanks to all those in Temerity who have helped me or answered questions since coming back to EQ. Truely a top notch bunch here!
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Thanks for update Gator - keep on truckin!
Condolences about your friend -
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I hit 55 today! With that said, I wanted to update Temerity on my status. As Al'Kabor is a small server I felt this was important as to not burn any bridges.
The last week I have leveled with a few Ascendancy members and have had many discussions with the current leadership about goals and progression on this server. I had my concerns because of some comments made on the EQmac forums, but the idea to start fresh and do one expansion at a time appealed to me. After picking the brains of at least 6 of their members and the 2 GLs I felt there intentions were pure and honest.
I have decided I will give this a shot and try to help grow with them. I hope sincerely that Temerity members understand my decision and will still continue to be as helpful and friendly to me as you have been from day one.I also hope that this does not taint me or label me if in the future I wanted to pursue Temerity again as my home.
Thanks to everyone for the help along the way thus far and I hope to continue to play along side all of you as I continue my march to 65.
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Certainly don't doubt their intentions, but it is sad to see you go before we even really got to play with you. I hope you got a chance to weigh your thoughts on joining one guild vs the other, and have talked it out with folks here as well. We won't pry but its sad (for me at least) to see you go the other way.
Feel like I've been following your progress in game since you began, so I'll certainly still consider you a friend and be an ally should you change your mind on guild tags.
Just know that I think you have made the wrong decision, for now
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Sorry to hear you won't be joining us, Gatorbait, but I can understand the appeal of a guild starting fresh.
I hope you find what you're looking for in Ascendancy.
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Congratulations on 55 Gator! I can see how you'd enjoy levelling with people that are at a similar stage as you, being new to the server and wanting to explore a bit. Keep us in mind when/if you've had your fill of that =).
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hemper Wrote:Certainly don't doubt their intentions, but it is sad to see you go before we even really got to play with you. I hope you got a chance to weigh your thoughts on joining one guild vs the other, and have talked it out with folks here as well. We won't pry but its sad (for me at least) to see you go the other way.
Feel like I've been following your progress in game since you began, so I'll certainly still consider you a friend and be an ally should you change your mind on guild tags.
Just know that I think you have made the wrong decision, for now 
Hemp this was a huge decision for me  . It took me 6 days of soul searching and talking with others. I know its only a game but I am a very dedicated and open person in RL which carries over to the game. Ascendancy would have tagged me last weekend if they had their way, but I let them know I wanted to talk with Temerity/friends in game about this. I talked with Putin about it. I spoke at length with Lumbar about it. I chatted with Delorne about it. The general consensus seemed to be, "Play for yourself", or "do what makes you happy". This was tough because I already felt a connection to you guys. This is why it took so long for me to come to a final decision.
I enjoy everyone of you I have spent time with in game and hope we can still do so. Trust me, if Ascendancy is not 100% on point and play by the rules, I will not hesitate to cut ties. I have full confidence though this will not be the case.
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Have fun Gatorbaiter! We'll see you around, I'm sure.
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Hey Gaitor,
You will be missed. Have fun
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Gatorbait Wrote:Hemp this was a huge decision for me . It took me 6 days of soul searching and talking with others. I know its only a game but I am a very dedicated and open person in RL which carries over to the game. Ascendancy would have tagged me last weekend if they had their way, but I let them know I wanted to talk with Temerity/friends in game about this. I talked with Putin about it. I spoke at length with Lumbar about it. I chatted with Delorne about it. The general consensus seemed to be, "Play for yourself", or "do what makes you happy". This was tough because I already felt a connection to you guys. This is why it took so long for me to come to a final decision.
I enjoy everyone of you I have spent time with in game and hope we can still do so. Trust me, if Ascendancy is not 100% on point and play by the rules, I will not hesitate to cut ties. I have full confidence though this will not be the case.
I hear ya bro, you dont seem the type to make a quick gut decision, but I wanted to be sure that we got to make our case  Ultimately, you want to be where you feel like you are most comfortable, I certainly agree with the sentiments of "do what makes you happy"
No hard feelings though, just wanted to give you my point of view.
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they are already breaking their rules by buying account(s)
I love all my little minions... until they turn on me and i have to break their pretty little necks.
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Bacchus Wrote:they are already breaking their rules by buying account(s)
I find it hard to beleive that there are very many accounts for sale on Al'Kabor. I have seen the 65 Warrior tagged in Ascendancy with Bert gear, so I know it was done. How it was done, I have no clue.
If one person wants to buy/use an account for farming/grouping thats his call. I look it like someone using a friends account to get KEI or HoV or kill a named in the old world. If this was to become rampant I would question my place there.
How many toons could be for sale in a 10 year old game on a server with content progression at a halt? What could you get 25/50 dollars? Anything more is laughable
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Gatorbait Wrote:What could you get 25/50 dollars? Anything more is laughable
True, but sometimes someone just needs that one last fix to get them by....
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Gatorbait Wrote:on a server with content progression at a halt?
The kool-aid has been passed.
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Wizman Wrote:The kool-aid has been passed.
I am sorry I do not understand this comment, forgive my "Senoir Citizen" status if this is a youthful phrase or inside joke.
I would hope it is not something against me, I have always been open and friendly to everyone in game and on these forums.:confused: