Hello Temerity. I thought I would take the time to introduce myself here on your boards.
My in-game character name is Vespasian and I am Wizard of the 46th season. I joined Al'kabor about a week and a half ago. I originally hail from various servers on the PC side, which include both Prexus and Bertoxx: I played from 1999 to 2005, respectively. My raid experience on those servers ranged anywhere from the game's original content to various encounters in Gates of Discord and Omens of War. On Prexus I played Paladin, while on Bertoxx I played both a Wizard (70) and Bard (70).
I soon hope to a welcoming addition to your guild as well as a dedicated member striving towards future planar progression and wonderful experiences alike.
I have already spoken with a few members of Temerity in-game. I am going to make an even stronger effort to do this even more so in the up and coming weeks ahead. Also, I am almost always in the Temerity channel, so say hi if you want to, as I tend to do the same from time to time.
(or for the role players out there) Titus Flavius Sabinus Vespasianus
My in-game character name is Vespasian and I am Wizard of the 46th season. I joined Al'kabor about a week and a half ago. I originally hail from various servers on the PC side, which include both Prexus and Bertoxx: I played from 1999 to 2005, respectively. My raid experience on those servers ranged anywhere from the game's original content to various encounters in Gates of Discord and Omens of War. On Prexus I played Paladin, while on Bertoxx I played both a Wizard (70) and Bard (70).
I soon hope to a welcoming addition to your guild as well as a dedicated member striving towards future planar progression and wonderful experiences alike.

I have already spoken with a few members of Temerity in-game. I am going to make an even stronger effort to do this even more so in the up and coming weeks ahead. Also, I am almost always in the Temerity channel, so say hi if you want to, as I tend to do the same from time to time.
(or for the role players out there) Titus Flavius Sabinus Vespasianus