Have you guys attempted Coirnav or Xegony yet?

Also, when are you doing your next round of PoP flagging?

Hi, Lidden,

We are working towards Xegony. We've killed 3 of the 4 avatars needed for the key and made a couple serious (and a couple not so serious Wink) attempts at the final ring. I suspect it'll go down when raid attendance numbers climb back up after the holidays, and that Xegony will die a raid or two after the Avatar of Dust. Coirnav still swims in uncharted waters.

We're always in the process of doing PoP back-flagging, which is cyclical. December should be dedicated to running through the Saryrn line, holiday numbers permitting.


Well I've been pretty bored when I have free time lately, so I'm going back and forth on whether or not to reactivate... How are you guys doing on tanks?

We're good on tanks, which is a pleasant change. We mainly need clerics atm.
Marshall Stamm Bladecaster - 65 Overlord, max AA (559).  GM Blacksmith, Baker.
Hunter Flankar Flamecaller - 65 Forest Stalker, 500+ AA.  GM Baker, Fletcher, Brewer, Jeweler.
Exarch Barbarra Bodybaggins - 65 Archon, 400+ AA. GM Tailor, Potter.

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