Hello Temerity
Hello everyone!

I just wanted to post a little introduction here to say hello to those of you I've yet to meet. Neea suggested this would be a good idea to do so prior to me getting to level 55.

To give you a little background on myself. I started playing EQPC in late 1999. I played on the Rallos Zek server (PvP). I played up and into PoP, but quit about 3-4 months after it came out. Recently I purchased my first Mac and got the itch for EQ when my RL brother (Saww, I'll allow him to make his own introduction) told me about the download etc etc... Needless to say 1 month later I'm as addicted as I was 10 years ago. Lol!

Our first day back into EQ we ran into a fellow named Carp. What fortune and luck I had with this encounter. Since the beginning of December Carp and Choclate have been incredibly helpful! I don't think I've been without KEI for much more than a few hours since char creation! In some form or another I've grouped with several members of Temerity whether it be in PoV or busting some Dragons or leveling with an alt in HHK.

I recognized early on that Temerity is the guild I would love to be associated with. For several reasons. The Rallos Zek guild I was in was much along the lines of Temerity. High end, efficient, well traveled players. I've also noticed that the members I've been running with have been eager to help me at any chance which is something of more value to the community of Al'Kabor as a whole. I'm eager to help others as well.

I hope my introduction is well met. I would love the opportunity to meet more of you in game. Typically if I'm on I'm with my brother Saww. If any of you need a SoW, a port, a lowly druid hp buff, or a spot healer in a group (we are valor flagged: thx carp, choc, wizman) please let gimme a holler!

Well met Temerity! I look forward to future adventures with you all.

-Near Daground
*Currently* Lvl 53 Halfling Druid

hihi2u! Welcome to Al'Kabor Smile

Great to see your intro!

I eagerly await your app Near. See you in game bud.
Stinkyfish have more fun

[Image: 666.png]

Dr0id powah!

Welcome Near Smile

Welcome Near, had fun today in skyfire with you two.
Stupendous Tremendous
65 Ogre Beastlord of Temerity


Heya Near Welcome!

Hey Near, hope I can help you finish your epic soon.

Good to have you! Looking forward to you getting to 55 and applying!

Nice to see your intro, welcome! Love the name - see you in Norrath!

Forest Stalker Thiklan Ghengis
>>-------->   Keeper of the Wood :p
Thiklan's Mac'Gelo  Nesta's Mac'Gelo

[Image: ThiklanFinal.jpg]

Near Hear~!

I love me some good druids.

If you ever need lvl65 Druid or Enchanter buffs, look for Judah or Volatile.

And now I use your post to test my new signature.
Elder Judah, Harvester of Tares Lichen


Welcome halfheight

Happy to see the intro! Welcome to our boards !

Good to see you surface on these boards, Near.

I'm fortunate to have met Near/Saww, it is good to see that friendly, talented people keep joining Al'Kabor!

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