10-03-2005, 03:39 AM

Ok..it wasn't the smoothest, and we had 2 wipes with more people in the raid....
But when the smoke finally cleared, on the third attempt, 9 members of the VTF shook off adversity and succeeded in granting Lady Vox a 7 day ice nap. So ashamed was she, of allowing these 9 brave souls to reign triumphant, that she buried her head into the ice as the last wisps of her lifeforce faded. Alas, being the stingy bitch she is, we once again failed to retrieve her coveted clicky rez stick (although she did cough up 2 of her WR bags).
We will return!
I understand that Lord Nagafen is feeling the heat, so to speak, and has become concerned that the VTF may change their name to NTF.
To be continued........
[edit] Corrected names (I think)...please let me know if I goofed again.

52 Warrior
Edited by Utdaan 10/5/2005 2:03 PM (Most Recent)