02-14-2006, 07:28 AM
(also posted on this eqmac thread)

Tonight I finished up the last general (i.e. not alchemy or poison or tinkering) tradeskill, so I'm now 250 in everything. Seventeen hundred and fifty fucking tradeskill skillups. May Bristlebane have mercy on my soul.
Bora, Ed, you guys rock for your selfless help on these last few tradeskills. Ditto Flub, Nik, Red, etc. who loaned me plat or mats (Flub and Nik: you guys are getting more than paid back -- going to try to reach you in IM, I have a goodie bag for each of you.) Probably more folks but, god I'm tired......
Nik, you started down this road before I did, I actually slowed down at one point to let you pass me, but then you got busy IRL so I figured screw it and finished mine off.
And, hey, might as well do the trophies too, eh?

P.S.: No, I can't do a combine for you!
jk... but, err, give me a while to get over the clicking insanity before you ask me for another combine
Kyth, Officer of Temerity
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Tonight I finished up the last general (i.e. not alchemy or poison or tinkering) tradeskill, so I'm now 250 in everything. Seventeen hundred and fifty fucking tradeskill skillups. May Bristlebane have mercy on my soul.
Bora, Ed, you guys rock for your selfless help on these last few tradeskills. Ditto Flub, Nik, Red, etc. who loaned me plat or mats (Flub and Nik: you guys are getting more than paid back -- going to try to reach you in IM, I have a goodie bag for each of you.) Probably more folks but, god I'm tired......
Nik, you started down this road before I did, I actually slowed down at one point to let you pass me, but then you got busy IRL so I figured screw it and finished mine off.
And, hey, might as well do the trophies too, eh?

P.S.: No, I can't do a combine for you!
jk... but, err, give me a while to get over the clicking insanity before you ask me for another combine
Kyth, Officer of Temerity
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