1750 club: the definition of insanity
(also posted on this eqmac thread)

Tonight I finished up the last general (i.e. not alchemy or poison or tinkering) tradeskill, so I'm now 250 in everything. Seventeen hundred and fifty fucking tradeskill skillups. May Bristlebane have mercy on my soul.

Bora, Ed, you guys rock for your selfless help on these last few tradeskills. Ditto Flub, Nik, Red, etc. who loaned me plat or mats (Flub and Nik: you guys are getting more than paid back -- going to try to reach you in IM, I have a goodie bag for each of you.) Probably more folks but, god I'm tired......

Nik, you started down this road before I did, I actually slowed down at one point to let you pass me, but then you got busy IRL so I figured screw it and finished mine off.

And, hey, might as well do the trophies too, eh?

P.S.: No, I can't do a combine for you!

jk... but, err, give me a while to get over the clicking insanity before you ask me for another combine


Kyth, Officer of Temerity

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Kyth . . . I've said it before, and I'll say it again: OMG get professional help! =)

grats, haha

Holy necromancer of jebus

Amazing Kyth, you are now the best EQ player on Al'Kabor, you may now have mine and Starsha's first born.


hey, kyth, can i have something combined?

Marshall Louieman Theexquisitebastard

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae.
The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by itslef but the wrod as a wlohe

Looks like you need to hit one of the local inns now and increase your begging and alcohol tolerance.

Grats on the uber achievement!

Hunter Brein Leifson


Wonderful Job Kytherino!

Frer-Human Healer Guy & Stuff

Shooter-Pimp Ranjah


Grats Kyth!!  It is truly remarkable all your talents!!  Shouldn't your begging be higher for all the stuff you begged for to get your tradeskills so high?  I think you've been robbed!!

You are the UBER tradeskiller!!


Gratz kyth! you crazycrazy little hafling.

redleaf said:


you may now have mine and Starsha's first born.

Is that a threat?


Kyth, Officer of Temerity

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Grats you worked very hard to get those done.


To quote eqmac (yay). Sicko.

Lich Mangroas AnkleBiter the Courageous

I know your begging is better than that, you were begging for swirling shadows just last night!

you are truly insane.


Feral Lordess Zahla

Harr the goateed Wizard


I wouldn't have room for  all those trophies.

What next... thinking of trying to get all the class epics?

Danidianya Whitestar

Warder of Al'Kabor

Protector of Jaggedpine

Fletcher of Temerity



I don't have room either -- I use other accounts as mules liberally, as I'm pretty full up on nodrop gear. I even have to mule off dots/emeralds sometimes.

My trader account is trader, lykora, and 6 mules -- and that's not even enough. Now that I'm done the skilling up though, I think I can unload a bunch of mats I won't use again.

I actually do have two trophies that I carry with me for the +100 CHA. I lose about 25 in SvM and 210 hp and mana, but 100 cha is a big difference for DI firing on me -- I can't use that extra mana if I get killed on my first heal.

Looking forwards to getting another manapres item so I can get AHR's neck for another easy CHA source.


Kyth, Officer of Temerity

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how you do that clicky madness? you on meds? test her for trade skill enhancing substances!

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