A Tale of Death
The darkness was complete. Not a single strand of light to be found. All the while an incessant drip, drip, drip of water and a foul stench filled the air. Fingering my way through my spell book I happened across a spell that might bring hope to my current situation.

Casting it, the room was awash with a faded cool blue light as my eyes now adjusted to the darkness around me. Quickly checking my supplies and hefting the weapons that had saved me many times in the past, I prepared to venture forth and see what lay around the next bend in the tunnel.

Thoughts of my last lone expedition kept reliving themselves in my head. Careful at the crossway, stop and listen at the door, search the ground for signs of recent travel or anything that might indicate what lays ahead. It was clear this passage had been walked by many a wicked creature, the signs were all there.

Movement catches my eye. Just a brief motion in the distance. I draw my cloak around me and blend into the slime and moss covered rocks of the tunnel wall.

Sure enough, movement. Something pacing? What ever it is it stands no more than 5 maybe 6 hands high. Scaled by the look of it in the dim light.

I cautiously back away and cast the spells taught to me by my elders. I can feel the strength and awareness pulse through me. Weapons gleaming, I step forward in silence and pin the beast to the ground with my sword.

Taking note that I’ve never seen the likes of these creatures before.

A cold breeze travels to me from ahead. The smell is of rotting flesh and ages of decay. I quickly dress the corpse of my fallen foe and move deeper into the dark hall.

Pain, searing pain! As I turn I can see the blood dripping from the claws of some kind of dragon kin, but it is tall and walks upright. What madness is this, my feet immobile, my side screaming in pain, I parry and riposte. I fight where I stand hopeful that no other of this beasts brethren comes upon us.

His speed is amazing and his claws bite deep into my armor. We stand toe to toe exchanging blows for what seems like an eternity. I can feel the dampness of blood between my breastplate and my skin. I can feel my strength begin to ebb.

A vision of Tunare enters my mind and I recall the lessons from long ago in the glade of my homelands. Growling out the mystic words, soft symbols glow a pale sunset red around me as my weapon shield takes effect, quickly I pronounce the words of healing and continue on with this mad fight for my life.

A stroke of luck! I have managed to slip my blade between his shoulder and neck. He is bleeding badly now as am I. He steps back to turn, More words of magic fall from my mouth, he is unable to move. I continue to drive my sword blows into his body. He screams out as he dies. I am too slow to silence him, his comrades have heard our melee and come to investigate.

Bloodied and woefully injured I try to wrap my cloak about me and slip silently into the far passage but my own blood trail leads them to me. I know as the first draws his sword, I am slain. Tunare give me strength! I must make it back to the entrance or my soul will be lost.

Stowing my sword and with my last effort I race for the entrance of the dark hall. Foul creatures at my heal.. Left here, then right… straight on yes yes, I can make it! As I turn the last corner the realization hits me like a morning star… The magic of this place allows for entry in this hall but no safe haven of an exit can be found in this direction…

I turn to face my pursuers. Their wicked swords drawn; they come.

I raise my sword, stars of pain dance behind my eyes…

Then I return to the darkness…

A faint outline of a face looks down at me. Tunare?… I mutter. Not this day Laeden, is the reply. I am a soul binder and have guided you from the darkness of your lasting sleep to this point here in the Plane of Knowledge so that you may gather what aid you will and seek thee out your body to continue your long journey… Good luck to you Outrider, today is not the last day you shall walk these lands…

~Rootbear, pilikia (clr), moki (bst), shamoo (shm), tootle (brd), snoot (shd), snozby (enc)

I like it

Lashima, 60 Dwarven Priest

Formerly, Mishikal. 60 Undead Priest

I'm so sad...indeed that was a sad story. But thanks for writing this, Laeden. Good job!


My name's Jael.. Rhymes with I YELL!  /giggle

Coming back 16 years later to read this... what a trip.
~Rootbear, pilikia (clr), moki (bst), shamoo (shm), tootle (brd), snoot (shd), snozby (enc)

Good necro post. I enjoyed the tale like it was 2003.

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