Emp Key Party
Hi all!

Seeing as the guild is wrapping up its latest PoP flagging cycle (congrats again on the Coirnav kill!), I'm predicting that some Emp Ssra and VT goodness will resume in the near future. I know a lot of apps are working hard on shards but I haven't seen too much action on Emp key stuff. Considering shards can be done AFTER killing the Emp without holding up the keying process, it might behoove us to start prioritizing Emp Keys. This will give the guild more flexibility for scheduling Emp Ssra raids in the upcoming months and ensure that no one gets left behind.

In the next week or two I'd like to find a couple nights where everyone can gather in Ssra. With sufficient force (I'd say 3-4 groups would be a good start), we should be able to keep both floors clear for Comm spawns as well as send a solid group to kill Generals for Insigs. Also since we like to hit Cursed often, it would be convenient to do a little of both in the same night. But I will need help from someone with access to /gu to gain some traction on this.

If you are interested, please reply to this thread with dates that you will be available. I will assume this will happen only on off-raid nights but during the normal raid time of 8:30 EST - ? . I will try to tally a consensus and communicate the results to someone in Tem who is willing to help me organize.

Thanks! Smile

-Bromgok Dwarfdevourer

P.S. Roast Dwarf and champagne will be served free of charge.

Happy to help whenever.

I'd be happy to help as well.

Emp Key > VT shards. Since those can be done easy in group/solo time. Whereas Emp isn't.

Just lemme know a date and ill do my best to make it.

I'm down to help anytime next week. I will be AFK this weekend (Friday to Sunday) as I will be in Boston visiting the GF.
[Image: 1148.png]

I have a mage i can park in the insignia room for a bit, just need a crawl to get there... Depending on how panicy tomorrow's weather is I may be home early :3

Depending on when this works out for everyone, I may be able to jump online as well - haven't ssssnaked in a while.

Forest Stalker Thiklan Ghengis
>>-------->   Keeper of the Wood :p
Thiklan's Mac'Gelo  Nesta's Mac'Gelo

[Image: ThiklanFinal.jpg]

Just started doing shards today and I should be finished in the next day or two. I'd love to get started on emp key parts, let me know when you guys plan to do the insignias. =)

We had an impromptu Ssra party to night and got about 5 pieces -- thanks to all the apps who came out and special thanks to Maximoose for helping!

Baller, nice guys. Update your checkmark thingies from the thread I posted and keep them up to date in your app threads!

Got my Comm 1. Shout out to Brom for doing a terrific job leading us.

ill be online tonight if you guys want some help with the remaining pieces you're missing
[Image: 1496.png]

Thanks to Bromgok and the gang I got the ring. Hoping we can all get together again tonight to finish off everyone's Comm needs.

Thanks, everyone, for a long haul in Ssra tonight! We came away with 2 Idols and a ring after a ton of effort.

The brave souls who spent their entire Friday night in Ssra to get these 2 Idols and 1 ring deserve to be thanked here. Those who were present for my time there tonight were:

Thanks a ton, guys! Sorry if I missed anyone. It was a huge help! Your hours of pain are very much appreciated! Before long, we can start making some keys with Insignias!!

In regards to all of this...is there an Emp raid scheduled? I know Temerity's VT rotation starts on the 6th of February. I was just curious if there might be an Emp raid before this rotation? Also, if we know of a date, we could schedule a seperate group to do insignias the day before or the day of (3-4 hours in advance) the raid. Anything is gravy for me but I'd love to join yall in VT in February.

We should try to tally up how many insigs we need. They are not rare spawns (nothing like the Comms from what I remember) so it might be possible to tackle right before an Emp raid. I can think of 7 off the top of my head:


In any case I am happy to do insigs at any time now that I am done with shards and comms.

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