Hola from RL
Stopping by to say "Hey" and that real life is still keeping me busy. Summer classes ended. Took a trip and some time to see my daughter in Iowa, hung out with some Trappist monks for a week, and now I'm finishing up a project here in Chicago before I move to Wisconsin for the Fall. Yeah, I stay busy.

Hopefully life settles down again in another week or so and I'll be back asap.

(Post your "Didn't even notice you were gone" responses below plzthnx)

"Call Kenny Loggins, cause you're in the DANGER ZONE!"

Hola my brother with such a similiar name.

"Didn't even notice you were gone"

Jk, you sound very busy. Cya soon.

hey man when are you going to come back

hope you're having fun sev!

Enjoy yourself! Come back soon~

Heya, Severaen! I was asking about you just the other day Smile
- Tes


Hope the move to Wisconsin was smooth. Hope to see you around soon!
Lurari, Holy Mini-Knight of Brell // Formerly Lurari, Feral Lord. // Once Luluri, Nature Warden // Nickname Lulu

Were you learning to brew beer ? Come sing for us soon !

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