11-23-2013, 02:32 AM
Hey. You may remember me as the wizard that passed out while being the main assist on a POWater raid and never came back. Hi! =p More likely, though, you don't remember me at all, which is fine because I wasn't around for long before I had to disappear.
I'm posting my goodbyes here because I was not allowed to post them on EQMac.com. I wasn't allowed to say goodbye there because I mentioned that my new server is an emulated server. So I'd like to here, and I'd like to welcome you all to come give P99 a try, if you ever get the urge for the classic EQ experience again.
So, I came here to post goodbyes to friends, and instead had my post deleted because I mentioned that I'd gone to an emulated server.
So instead, here's the only good thing about EQ Mac going down: The douchebag owner of this forum will lose whatever power he has.
That's a good thing, because there are far too many douchebags in the world.
It's a syndrome of the lifelong Apple enthusiast. They become so entrenched in sucking on mother Apple's tit that anything not "official" is demonized. Doesn't matter if it's better, doesn't matter if anything: if it is not milk squeezed from the almighty Apple tit, it is not only bad, it is banned.
I wish I was rich enough to be that stupid. It makes me a little sick that this server is going down and, even in its death throes, the community is being strangled by what amounts to a middle manager in a cult. That's the one upside. Be glad for it. The time of douchebags like this is ending.
For everyone else, I wish I'd had the chance for a proper goodbye.
I'm posting my goodbyes here because I was not allowed to post them on EQMac.com. I wasn't allowed to say goodbye there because I mentioned that my new server is an emulated server. So I'd like to here, and I'd like to welcome you all to come give P99 a try, if you ever get the urge for the classic EQ experience again.
So, I came here to post goodbyes to friends, and instead had my post deleted because I mentioned that I'd gone to an emulated server.
So instead, here's the only good thing about EQ Mac going down: The douchebag owner of this forum will lose whatever power he has.
That's a good thing, because there are far too many douchebags in the world.
It's a syndrome of the lifelong Apple enthusiast. They become so entrenched in sucking on mother Apple's tit that anything not "official" is demonized. Doesn't matter if it's better, doesn't matter if anything: if it is not milk squeezed from the almighty Apple tit, it is not only bad, it is banned.
I wish I was rich enough to be that stupid. It makes me a little sick that this server is going down and, even in its death throes, the community is being strangled by what amounts to a middle manager in a cult. That's the one upside. Be glad for it. The time of douchebags like this is ending.
For everyone else, I wish I'd had the chance for a proper goodbye.