Theoclea/Dasidarius Application
1. Who are your sponsors? (You must have two, they must have agreed to do it, and they must be full members.)
  • Miyamoto
  • Bragon
2. How do you know each of your sponsors?

I met both while grinding through levels.  Since grouping with them I've talked to them both quite a bit.

3. What is the name, level, race and class of your primary main character? Paste in the link to your TAKP magelo.
  • Theoclea - 57 High Elf Paladin - Magelo
I'm shooting for 60 next week but we'll see how that goes...  I hope to be 58 by Friday.

4. What is your handle on the TAKP forums?


5. List your shrink and EB items, as well as your means of casting gate, invis, and levitate if applicable. Do you have an insta-clicky?

Ant Potions for shrink.  Lodi shield for EB.  Cloudy potions for invis. Gate potions, hopefully an OT hammer soon as well. I rely on my mage for levi, can always mass summon rings if he won't be around.  I don't have an insta-clicky yet but have enough pp to buy a Shrunken Goblin Skull Earring.  Once I hit 60 I'm going to work on the Coldain rings.

6. What alts do you have (name/class/level)?
  • Dasidarius - 57 High Elf Magician - Magelo
7. What time zone do you live in, and what is your typical play schedule? 

I live in EST and typically play evenings and weekend mornings.  Mondays and Wednesdays I usually go to the gym around 8:30 est but can move it around to accommodate a raid if needed.

8. Where and when have you played EQ prior to TAKP? If you played on Al'Kabor, tell us your character names, when you were active, and what guild(s) you were in.

I played on Lanys T'Vyl and eventually Seventh Hammer after the merger until early 2007.  I also played a bit on a custom emu server and on test and FV more recently when the itch has struck.

9. Have you been in other guilds on TAKP? If so, why did you leave?

I was in Nephilim while I was leveling.  I was hoping that would be a good fit for me but their raids start a bit later than I (and probably my wife) would like.  

10. Describe your previous EQ raiding experience. What classes have you played on raids?

I started raiding on Lanys when SoV was current.  I raided pretty much continually with those people until I stopped playing in 2007.  I've done every boss and raid in every expansion until well past PoP.  That doesn't mean I'll remember the minutia of every fight but it is coming back.  I was an officer in that guild and did a mix of running raids and running our dkp system.

I mained a warrior on Lanys and was typically the second tank for the guild but I'd frequently play other classes too.  Sometimes we needed a chanter for RZ or a bard or shaman for something else.  I'm happy to play whatever I have access to and will help the guild progress.  Having me pilot a cleric will put me to sleep though...

11. Why do you want to join Temerity? 

First, from everyone that I've talked to I think your raid schedule and discipline most closely matches my previous experience.  I'd like to find a guild that knows what they're doing and makes the best use of its raid time.  From my discussions with members Tem also follows the mantra of RL > EQ, which is very important to me.  There will be nights and weekends where I won't be home or we'll have something going on that I can't work around for EQ. Having a group of people that understand and realize it happens is important to me.  Finally everyone I've talked to has been both incredibly nice and knowledgeable about the game.  Those are both important points to me as well.

12. What do you expect out of EverQuest -- why do you play?

I like working together to take down enormous things.  I like working towards goals (get 60, get geared for raids, get raid geared, get keyed for xxx, finish y quest, etc.).  I like having something that I can do to unwind and de-stress, tell stupid jokes, meet new people. 

On top of all that, now, because it is nostalgic and fun to go back and re-experience these things again in their original state.  That has been a lot of fun for me, seeing things again the way they were intended to be seen the first time.

13. Anything else you want us to know? 

I look forward to meeting more new people and getting to know more of what you are all about.  I'm more than happy to chat with anyone about me, my previous experience, my favorite ice cream flavor (birthday cake batter), favorite animal (capybara), or anything else about me.

Welcome to the boards, Theoclea! Looking forward to getting to you know you in game.

Cool, another Lanys alum! We've got a couple in Tem. I played a shammy in Rising Chaos and Fervor back in the day, and hung out with some FL, Riders and CQ folks in other games. What guild(s) were you in?

Slouch, fattoknight
formerly Pithy, gnooligan


I was in Visions (1/2 of CQ after they killed Ventani and got disbanded) and then Riders of the Apocalypse.

I considered linking my magelo but it wouldn't mean much. 

My warrior on Lanys was Valnir.  I'm sure we remember a lot of the same folks.

Sorry app denied re roll gnome 

Just kidding welcome Theoclea! Pally powa!
Perin  Perrin Goldeneyes 
The pInking'Gnomerlord & Short-Bus Operator


(01-23-2018, 02:43 PM)Perrin Wrote: Sorry app denied re roll gnome 

Just kidding welcome Theoclea! Pally powa!


LOS is a real thing you know...

Glad to see the app, Theo! Hope to see you around soon.

Bragon sponsorin a pally? Welcome Theo!

I have seen you around . Will start paying more attention to you !
Neea Cleric
Zneea Wizardess
Gnomeo Gnome

(01-23-2018, 05:24 PM)Faults Wrote: Bragon sponsorin a pally? Welcome Theo!

Yes, welcome!

A Paladin who has Bragon's approval has my interest, even if you aren't a gnome!
Lurari, Holy Mini-Knight of Brell // Formerly Lurari, Feral Lord. // Once Luluri, Nature Warden // Nickname Lulu

High elf is an acceptable race, I approve. Considering the insane amount of gnome population here. Will see you in game! Welcome

When do Neph raids start?

9 pm usually fi.
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I look forward to meeting you Theo! I saw you at raid tonight and I didn't realize you were an app, I thought you might be an untagged alt. Welcome aboard!!

Hiya, and welcome. See you in game!

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