Sarah - SO application
1. Who are your sponsors?

2. How do you know each of your sponsors?

3. What is the name, level, race and class of your primary main character? Paste in the link to your TAKP magelo.
Sarah, 59.6, Halfling Druid

4. What is your handle on the TAKP forums?

5. List your shrink and EB items, as well as your means of casting gate, invis, and levitate if applicable. Do you have an insta-clicky?
Potion, Lodizal Shield, spells.
No instaclick yet.

6. What alts do you have (name/class/level)?
Durren, warrior, halfling, 58

7. What time zone do you live in, and what is your typical play schedule?  
CST, after 7pm

8. Where and when have you played EQ prior to TAKP? If you played on Al'Kabor, tell us your character names, when you were active, and what guild(s) you were in.
Have never played any game like this before.

9. Have you been in other guilds on TAKP? If so, why did you leave?

10. Describe your previous EQ raiding experience. What classes have you played on raids?

11. Why do you want to join Temerity?
To play with cads on raids

12. What do you expect out of EverQuest -- why do you play?
I played to have fun and just spend time with my husband

13. Anything else you want us to know?

Not really. EverQuest is a fun way to de-stress and a good change of pace from raising the kids all day.

Welcome, Sarah!

Hi Sarah. Any wife of Cads is a wife of... wait that's not quite right. Good to see the better half app Wink




Just curious, does this application come with a beer sampler?

Asking for a friend.
Lurari, Holy Mini-Knight of Brell // Formerly Lurari, Feral Lord. // Once Luluri, Nature Warden // Nickname Lulu

(11-27-2018, 12:09 AM)sarah Wrote: 8. Where and when have you played EQ prior to TAKP? If you played on Al'Kabor, tell us your character names, when you were active, and what guild(s) you were in. 
Have never played any game like this before.

Cads why are you doing this to her?  Sarah run away before it's too late!
Drudger Diggydiggyhole - 65 Dwarf Cleric

Woot, welcome Smile

Slouch, fattoknight
formerly Pithy, gnooligan


Hi Sara ! Welcome to our world !
Neea Cleric
Zneea Wizardess
Gnomeo Gnome

So glad to see you app Sarah! Welcome aboard!

Welcome, Sarah! I look forward to meeting you and hunting aliens and blobs

Thank you for the welcomes, I have been enjoying playing!

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