TLP Check-In
How are people finding it?

I was thinking of rolling a rogue (Crow, currently in Kelethin) and a necromancer. I thought they'd work well as DPS in a group and could probably kite in a pinch.

I hit level 2 on the rogue and promptly caved and rolled a druid (Briar). I love Faydwer (Crushbone, Unrest, Mistmoore!) and may just hang out for a bit.

I can always try a necro later on!

Haven't made it on yet, but thinking about it. I was originally thinking Necro-Mage, but then was thinking Necro-Pally. Acting like a coward now and thinking of rolling a human necro of Bertox and a human cleric of Bertox. That's probably what I'll do. Would like to do a Pally at some point though...maybe on TAKP Prime.


It's been a lot of fun so far, and a reminder of how brutal old EQ used to be for sure!

Have a Barbarian pair, currently level 8.
AMG I hate Halas in this era!
Had to go to Erudin for sharpening stones (
Neea Cleric
Zneea Wizardess
Gnomeo Gnome

Rocking a classic duo of dwarf warrior and gnome clerpal

I played a pair of gnecros on launch day, which was super fun! Then I remembered the 47,432 other things I have to do and haven't popped back in yet. I assume that bard/enc duo have been level 50 for at least a couple of days now?

Slouch, fattoknight
formerly Pithy, gnooligan


19ish or something as of this morning.

Come back on the Gnecros.

Level 8 Warrior and Shaman (Orgrimson and Ogrulla) here! :-)
[65 Overlord] Orgrim Doomhammer, Marshall of the Oggok Army <Temerity>

Filthy alts :: Adranath :: Agelmar :: Aithne :: Callain :: Daise :: Edmund :: Glasgian :: Janduin :: Katerine :: Katran :: Mieze :: Neysa :: Pantro :: Rathe :: Tishan :: Trulla ::

(01-05-2025, 02:44 PM)Slouch Wrote: I played a pair of gnecros on launch day, which was super fun! Then I remembered the 47,432 other things I have to do and haven't popped back in yet. I assume that bard/enc duo have been level 50 for at least a couple of days now?

Think 43 is the highest level (Nakara bard).
[65 Overlord] Orgrim Doomhammer, Marshall of the Oggok Army <Temerity>

Filthy alts :: Adranath :: Agelmar :: Aithne :: Callain :: Daise :: Edmund :: Glasgian :: Janduin :: Katerine :: Katran :: Mieze :: Neysa :: Pantro :: Rathe :: Tishan :: Trulla ::

Its fun! Great turnout and guild representation so far
Lich NarkElder HempExarch Tart Plus - More - Bonus - Lite
Elder Hemper (RIP)

(01-05-2025, 02:44 PM)Slouch Wrote: I played a pair of gnecros on launch day, which was super fun! Then I remembered the 47,432 other things I have to do and haven't popped back in yet. I assume that bard/enc duo have been level 50 for at least a couple of days now?
Top duos as of now are:

45 Bard with 38 Enc and 34 Cler he cycles in and out as he swarms on bard. It’s quite amusing the top cleric and enchanter on the server have no gear other than newbie gear and may well not even cast a spell before they both ding 50.  Go go bard kites.
37 Dru/Mag
34 Mag/Mag
32 Dru/Mag
32 Rng/Cler
30 Cler/Enc
30 Nec/Wiz (first Temerity duo)

Of the 50 highest level characters so far there’s 12 Magicians, 8 Druids, 6 clerics, 6 enchanters, 4 bards, 4 Necros, 3 shamans, 2 wizards, 2 monk, 2 ranger, 1 SK.  This group ranges from level 45-21.  The highest non-bard melee is a 29 monk.

The class so far that has the least high level represenation is Paladin of which the highest is level 12.  There are even Rogue (18) and Warrior (16) higher than Paladin which is a bit surprising to be honest.

I was surprised to enjoy this after the initial brutality that is classic. Lvl 12 mage duo ftw!
[Image: 599.png]
Lullaby - Ench / Rezinator - Cleric / Molten - Mage
Alts: / Celeborn - Bard / Tyrionn - Druid / Tyranno - Beastlord / Bubonic - Shadowknight / Moab - Wizard / Akasha - Necro / Thrain - Pally / Arwen - Ranger

I just can't bring myself to play another Paladin, especially with the lack of PoK spells like Instrument of Nife. Shaman and Ranger, two classes I have always loved and wished I had played more. Even if Ranger doesn't come into it's own later on. What can I say, I love hybrids.


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