Tasha's Application
1. Who are your sponsors?
Sponsers: Polly and TBD

2. How do you know each of your sponsors?
Polly and I met while leveling in Plane of Justice.  After exp'ing together several times, Polly began inviting me to join Temerity on some off-night raids around Velious/Luclin content.  I've been joining Temerity on off-night raids semi-regularly for the past few months.

3. What is the name, level, race and class of your primary main character?
Tasha 65 Enchanter

4. What is your handle on the TAKP forums?

5. List your shrink and EB items, as well as your means of casting gate, invis, and levitate if applicable. Do you have an insta-clicky?
Shrink: Anizok's Minimizing Device
Enduring Breath: Waterlogged Boots, Knotted Turtle Ring
Gate: Gate spell
Invis: Ring of Stealthy Travel, Invisibility Spell
Levitate: Leviation spell
Insta-Click: Journeyman Boots, Rod of Insidious Glamour, Horse

6. What alts do you have (name/class/level)?
Vyres 65 Shadow Knight
Proe 65 Cleric

7. What time zone do you live in, and what is your typical play schedule? 
Central Time Zone.  Oftentimes I play on weekday evenings or weekend mornings.

8. How long have you played on TAKP?
Started playing on TAKP initially in late 2022 for a few months.  I came back in Jan/Feb of 2024 and have been playing on it fairly regularly since then.

9. Where and when have you played EQ prior to TAKP?
I first started playing Everquest during original Velious era and then stopped after LDON came out.  I played on the E'ci server as a 65 Ranger.  More recently, playing on the P99 green server for a bit leading up to when Kunark was released (late 2020/early 2021).

10. Have you been in other guilds on TAKP?

11. Describe your previous EQ raiding experience. What classes have you played on raids?
During original PoP era, I raided with a guild up to the elemental planes.  More recently, I've been attending a variety of Luclin raids as Enchanter, Cleric, and/or Shadow Knight.

12. Why do you want to join Temerity?
For the past few months, I've joined Temerity's off-night raids and have played with several Temerity members on other occasions.  Everyone that I've met has been great, patient, and exceeding helpful!  I would like to continue raiding with Temerity to help out with off-night events and eventually be able to play a role in end-game raids.

13. What do you expect out of EverQuest -- why do you play?
Primarily I enjoy EQ as a way to relax and destress with laid-back grinding and to work towards achievable goals.  Everquest (and more specifically TAKP) has been a good place for me to do both and experience nostaglia at the same time.  TAKP's multi-box rules appealed to me as it opened up a lot more content, and over the past few months I have gotten the chance to explore a lot of content that I never had the chance to explore before.  While raiding wasn't initially my goal on TAKP, I found myself getting pulled back into it naturally and enjoying the experience.  Eventually, it'd be great to reach and explore the elemental planes and Time!

14. Anything else you want us to know?
I often play on weekend mornings or weekend evenings to exp or camp various old world content.  Finding goals and personal challenges in the game are what drives to play.  Also starting up some new characters to play on the new TLP server.  Feel free to message me if you want to team up or chat!

I approve this message! Tasha/Proe/Vyres have been great to have on off-nights, and I believe everyone will find his play on all these classes to be solid and beneficial to our main raid force and off-nights. If you would consider being a co-sponsor, please send me a DM.

I thought the main was supposed to be Vyres. Did the main change because of a desire to main a chanter or because that would be a better fit for the guilds needs?
[Image: benoeb-signature-2025-2.png]

We had discussed main choice at times over the last couple months. Some of the considerations that came up were his own personal interests, guild needs (smaller number of enchanter mains on some recent main nights, but also a few times lack of off-tanks), benefits related to cleric alts and the dearth in plate loot compared to the demand. The last time we talked about it was in late December and I communicated that he should feel free to pick either. Tasha said more than once he was more interested in the community and having fun with the raids than in a choice in class main. Though, I think he did note that he had just come off another mmo maining a priest and would rather not do that this time around. I am sure Tasha will speak for himself.

I look forward to a new app for Temerity and meeting Tasha and the other alts too.

Look forward to meeting you! Welcome!
Lurari, Holy Mini-Knight of Brell // Formerly Lurari, Feral Lord. // Once Luluri, Nature Warden // Nickname Lulu

Welcome to the boards, Tasha! Looking forward to meeting you in game.

Good to see you Tasha/Vyres!  Was waiting for this app!  Very glad to see it!


Have grouped with this fellow. Very competent, and doesn’t make a fuss when things get a bit borked !
Neea Cleric
Zneea Wizardess
Gnomeo Gnome

Welcome to the party!
Lich NarkElder HempExarch Tart Plus - More - Bonus - Lite
Elder Hemper (RIP)

I am Tasha's secondary/co-sponsor
[Image: benoeb-signature-2025-2.png]

Great to see this app— welcome!


Take advantage of our “loaner” program and start accumulating DKP!
Neea Cleric
Zneea Wizardess
Gnomeo Gnome



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