Language Lessons
Yes that's right Zahla.  The language numbers get stable after you
have at least a little in everything.  Eventually Vah Shir will be
number 25, because the Vah Shir were a late addition to the game.<br><br /><br /><br /><br>

Yup, they saved the best for last.<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_grin.gif">
<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><font size=1>No, not Frogloks.</font><br /><br /><br /><a href="">Nikolai Lianfyrr</a>,<br>
Khati Sha Feral Lord<br>
<SELECT name=NikSkills> <OPTION selected>Nik's Tradeskills:<OPTION>Grand Master Tailor (250)<OPTION>Grand Master Potter (250)<OPTION>Grand Master Brewer (250)<OPTION>Master Smith (238)<OPTION>Master Fletcher (207)<OPTION>Grand Master Fisher (200)<OPTION>Master Jeweler (200)<OPTION>Master Chef (200)</OPTION></SELECT>

I had a special request ... therefore ...<br>
Next meeting will be Tuesday, the 12th, at 8ish eastern daylight time,
just inside the qeynos zone, by the stone.&nbsp; Anyone who is
interested is welcome to come.<br><br /><br /><br /><br>

Our next language session is tonight, in Qeynos, started about 8 pm
eastern (5 pm pacific, ... midnight GMT?).&nbsp; These tend to last for
hours, with people coming and going.&nbsp; So if you are interested, to
worry about being a bit late.&nbsp; (And if you want to start early,
power to you)<br><br /><br /><br /><br>

The next language group is meeting Tuesday Jul 26 in the Qeynos newb zone, at about 8
pm eastern time (5 pm pacific, midnight GMT).&nbsp; Look for us either by
the stone or up near the zone out to Qeynos Hills, along the wall on
the west side.<br>


Once we get started, we often go for hours, with people coming and
going.&nbsp; So don't worry if you can't make it by 8, but want to come.&nbsp;
(And if some folks want to start EARLIER than that, please do!)<br /><br /><br /><br>

<span class="postbody">We are going to have another language session
next week, Tuesday August 23rd starting around 8 pm eastern (5 pm
pacific, .. um .. midnight GMT?) <br>

We usually meet in Qeynos, up by the zone out to Qeynos Hills, on the
west side. If you zone in from PoK, just call out in /ooc and someone
will come get you.

Come along, and round out your language skills.</span><br /><br /><br /><br>

This thread cracks me up haha.&nbsp; Language is totally pointless on
this server but it's fun<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_mischief.gif">.&nbsp; If I'm on, I'll try to make it<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_grin.gif"><br>
<br><br /><br /><br /><font color="#000000" face="Garamond" size="4"><i>Wizrobe</i></font><br>
---------------------------------<br><font size="2">
Lord Inquisitor Seru: 1 <br>

Silk Tank Wizrobe: 0<br>

Match Round:10 Seconds</font><br>

Verant dropped the ball on this one. Language could have added another
dimension to the game:link language to faction, make quests or cities
usable only with certain linguistic skills etc.. <br><br /><br /><br />Danidianya Whitestar
<BR>Warder of Al'Kabor
<BR>Protector of Jaggedpine
<BR>Fletcher of Temerity

<A TARGET=_BLANK href="">Danidianya</a></p>

They started to. There are a couple of quests that require speaking a particular language, and several PCs who only speak in their native tongue.<br /><br /><br /><a href="">Nikolai Lianfyrr</a>,<br>
Khati Sha Feral Lord<br>
<SELECT name=NikSkills> <OPTION selected>Nik's Tradeskills:<OPTION>Grand Master Tailor (250)<OPTION>Grand Master Potter (250)<OPTION>Grand Master Brewer (250)<OPTION>Master Smith (238)<OPTION>Master Fletcher (207)<OPTION>Grand Master Fisher (200)<OPTION>Master Jeweler (200)<OPTION>Master Chef (200)</OPTION></SELECT>

I heard that on the Roleplaying servers, Players don't automatically
know common, just their own languages, and a possibly one or two others
(rogues with thieves' cant, gnomes a little dwarvish, evil races dark
speech, etc).&nbsp; So to communicate with other players, you pretty
well have to learn a few languages.<br>
(I suppose "common" in that case would be human speech)<br>
I just like languages.&nbsp; It is a frivolous skill, like begging, and
alcohol tolerance.&nbsp; (I'm maxed in those too &lt;g&gt;)<br><br /><br /><br /><br>

We had a nice turnout this time: Karpan, Rysia, Eloween, Kiip, and
Saenayil (and me) ... nice intra-guild action (DC, Pathfinders, and
Temerity were all represented.)<br>
Thanks all for coming, hope you had as much fun as I did.<br>
Next time probably in 2-3 weeks.<br><br /><br /><br /><br><br /><br /><span class="MessageEditText">Edited by Yeniu 8/23/2005 7:28 PM (Most Recent)</span>

Alas, I got stuck in RL, and by the time I got there, everyone was gone.&nbsp; /sigh<br>
Maybe next time.....<br>
<br><br /><br /><br /><a href="">Zorblak</a><br>

Yeah, we did close up shop earlier than usual this time.&nbsp;
Sometimes we are going strong right up to midnight (eastern) and beyond.<br><br /><br /><br /><br>

Hello everyone, I would like to announce that on Tuesday November 29th at 7pm CST. I'll be in the Qeynos yard hosting a language party. We pretty much skill up for the evening until we all pass out! No seriously come and go as you like and learn a few language skills.<br /><br />You can join the channel /join language to chat outside of the spam and if you need help with setting up a macro and such.<br /><br />Come join in on the fun and become a fine linquist of norrath!<br /><br /><br /><html>
<a href="">Zabba</a> Tauren Druid on <a href="">Malygos</a>
A healin', dancin', lovin' druid, who's always in a rootin', nukin', Dot'n mood!
<a href=""> WoW Meets Porn Video!</a>

Woo Hoo!&nbsp; Thanks Smetana, I always love these!<br><br /><br /><br /><br>

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