Hello everyone. My name is Twist. I am a bard of the 42nd season and I've recently started EQmac. Zorblak helped me out the other day by giving me a ride home from Katta Castelum, and he provided me with loads of useful websites to browse through. One of which was your guild's website. I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone. If you see me in game, please, don't be a stranger!<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_happy.gif"><br /><br /><br />Heroes and vilians may die, but bards who tell their tales never do!

Welcome to EQMac!!<br /><br /><br /><a href="" target="_Blank"><img src=""></img></a><br>
<SELECT NAME = "Teh Tradeskilz">
<OPTION SELECTED>Grand Master Fletcher (250)</OPTION>
<OPTION>Baking (200)</OPTION>
<OPTION>Brewing (200)</OPTION>
<OPTION>Jewellery Craft (200)</OPTION>
<OPTION>Pottery (200)</OPTION>
<OPTION>Smithing (175)</OPTION>
<OPTION>Tailoring (166)</OPTION></SELECT><br>
<a href="" target="_Blank">Wulfgar</a><br>
52 Warrior<br>
<SELECT NAME = "Other Tradeskilz">
<OPTION>Brewing (143)</OPTION></SELECT>

Sup primo. If you die in a precarious spot, look me up. I'm crafty with a rez stick.<br /><br /><br /><br>
te•mer•i•ty <i>n.</i> : unreasonable or foolhardy contempt of danger, recklessness<br>
<a href="" target="_blank"><i>dorf magelo clickie</i></a>

And, unlike the original Grac, only surly 90% of the time, as opposed to 99%!<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_wink.gif"><br /><br /><br /><A href="">Sukaisi Shadowskin</A>, Taruun, Shar Vahl Garrison&nbsp;
<P>(<A href="">Allakhazam profile</A>)</P>

Feh. I gotta try harder.<br /><br /><br /><br>
te•mer•i•ty <i>n.</i> : unreasonable or foolhardy contempt of danger, recklessness<br>
<a href="" target="_blank"><i>dorf magelo clickie</i></a>

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