Apparently, Glimi is a Spy
I have been told that Kyth has been claiming ie via PM to DC officers, that the only reason DC can do Cursed is becaaue Glimi spyed on them in SSRA basement. It is absolutley true that Glimi was in SSRA basement when you were doing Cursed. I was there BEFORE Temerity entered the zone farming strange green metal mobs 2-boxing with Brellt. As far as I know it isn't a requirement for me to leave any zone when someone else shows up to kill a raid mob. Did I see where you positioned your healers for Cursed? Damn right I did. Did I get a real good laugh /gu that they were killing Cursed while I could watch. Damn right I did. Did it make a damned difference? Hell no. Again let me quote directly from DC forums about one of our failed Cursed attempts a couple of weeks BEFORE I was in the basement when Tems popped into the zone to kill Cursed.<DIV><BR class="khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV>Quote (no editing bullshit--copied directly from DC Raid Strategy forum dated 12-9-05)</DIV><DIV>Guys, where we positioned Cursed last night was perfect for protecting a CH chain from the charm AoE of Cursed and his other AoE spells.</DIV><DIV><BR class="khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV>Brellt was inside the curved wall next to Karry and he NEVER missed a CH nor did he take any AoE damage. He had the icons on him indicating he was "charmed" and "DoTTed" but they are ILLUSIONS. They did not interrupt Brellts spell casting nor damage him. It's just like what happens with the Thought Horror Overfiend. If you are behind the pillar, the icon is on you, but you can still cast spells without fizzling just like it is an ILLUSION.</DIV><DIV><BR class="khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV>If we run a 5 member CH chain on 5 seconds we should be able to keep the MT up with one druid spotting just in case. I think we need bard playing both mana song and resist song--if one bard cannot play both simultaneously then we need 2 bards as we have to reduce the frequency of the disease based charm hitting the melee dps and we need mana regen for the casters behind the wall.</DIV><DIV><BR class="khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV>The other thing we need is serious ranged casting nuke power to kill him. I mean we need like 4 or better 6 mages and wizzies blasting away. The melee dps is lowered as sometimes they get charmed and hit each other. So caster dps from BEYOND range 150 (charm AoE has 150 radius) is crucial to killing Cursed.</DIV><DIV>End Quote</DIV><DIV><BR class="khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV>We use the curved walls in the center of the big room to protect our CH chain NOT the thick wall and archway that leads into the section with the cart and the entrance to the skeletons. If for some reason you do not believe this, you think this posting is made up or something--please ask Karry or Matrix. If they cannot remember the posting they can PM me, I will change my password to let them login as Glimi for a few minutes, then ask them to logout so I can change it back. I know both Matrix and Karry well enough that I beleive I can trust them to do this. I also believe that both Karry and Matrix were on at least one Cursed kill while in DC and can confirm the postioning of our CH chain. Finally, I want to extend a personal invitation to Kyth or any other Tems tagged toon to tag along the next time DC kills Cursed to see how we do it so you know the truth of this.</DIV><br />

No, Glimi, this was posted on eqmac ages ago -- you missed the rant boat, sorry, time expired on ranting about it.<br /><br />I brought it up recently to the DC officers *solely* as an example of far worse suspect behavior that we could've made a big deal about but didn't, in an effort to get them to put things into perspective. Which is worse, watching a guild on a target you cannot do, or posting 4 single lines of text from four *past* raids to merely prove a point that the other guild is changing their calendar?<br /><br />And if you weren't, well gosh durn it's even a *better* example, huh? Because it turns out what we thought was wrong, and going and posting to the world that day would've been really unconstructive because it didn't make a difference. You know, sorta like this evil horrible thing Viva did. didn't do. wasn't evil and horrible. something.<br /><br /><br />Here's the thread, Glimi, if you want to bump the aging thread on eqmac and argue it there, do so: <a href=""></a><br /><br /><br />Shocker for you: I don't care how DC does things. I don't care if you spy. I don't care what you read, what you do, what you say. <br /><br />But when *your* guild asks me if I think certain behavior of posting pointless screenshots is "abominable", then I sure as hell am going to give a worse example where we just... fucking... dropped... it.<br /><br />In a (futile, it seems?) effort to encourage you guys to just do the same.<br /><br />To repeat from that PM: DC are not the only "victims" of such problems on the server.<br /><br />Instead, you take it as a new insult, and out come the wagons to circle again...<br /><br /><br />--<BR>
<a href="">Kyth</a>, Officer of Temerity<BR>
Random quote: (<a href="">Click here to view all quotes</a>)<BR>
<img src="">

<DIV>Jesus Fricking Christ, go back to your own guild and stir up BS over there.</DIV><DIV><BR class="khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV>Perhaps I am mistaken, but I've looked over the public DC forums, I see no one from Temerity going over there and posting BS like this. </DIV><DIV><BR class="khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV>Really get a life. Seriously. God, you and everyone else coming over here to post crap like this are pathetic.</DIV><DIV><BR class="khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><br /><br /><br />--<br><a href="" target="new"><font color="#0000ff">SunRa Wosret</font></a> <br>Feral Lord, Gnome Eater<br><a href="" target="new"><font color="#0000ff">Sekhmet Geb</font></a> <br>64 Tree Hugger<br><font size="2"><strong>"Live fast, die young and leave a magnificent looking corpse."<br><img alt="" src="" align="bottom" border="0" hspace="0"></strong></font>

Honesty, I had never seen that thread before on EQMac as I really only recently started participating. The reason I brought it up is because in the last week PMs from Kyth to DC officers accused me of spying. That kinda bugs me. Feel free to kill the thread. I shoulda defended myself when it was brought up before. As far as I knew, it was a recent accusation not ancient history and that upset me.<br />

Not only is it ancient history, but it was very very clear from the context of my PM that I was bringing it up as an example of a similar, and arguably worse, perceived insult and "leak" that we just let go. Not that I was raising a new complaint.<br /><br />It was never brought up here before. As I said in the rest of the PM (which the officers don't seem to have shared with the guild, only the supposedly offensive bit), Zorb got frustrated on Claric's eqmac thread and brought it up. At the time we didn't bring it up, and had Claric not posted and gone on as he did, it probably *never* would've been brought up.<br /><br />We saw you, we knew what was up, we couldn't force you to leave the zone. There was a bit of bitching in /gu, and that was it. No long threads. No public fussing (or even private fussing). Not even a PM to DC's officers. We dropped it. This is in fact the only mention of it on anywhere, including on our private forums.<br /><br />My PM's point was, in summary, every time you think someone slights you, you don't have to yell at them (or at the world.)<br /><br /><br />--<BR>
<a href="">Kyth</a>, Officer of Temerity<BR>
Random quote: (<a href="">Click here to view all quotes</a>)<BR>
<img src="">

Kill the thread. I shoulda talked about this before, but as I didn't know it was posted on EQMac till I read Kyth's link today, I had no idea it was brought up before. No more posting by me on this topic and feel free to kill it, or post but I'm out on this subject. Sounds like old news that I just never heard about.<br />

I have nothing against Glimi. I like him well enough.<DIV><BR class="khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV>I have tons against people coming over here and making accusitory and inflamitory posts either dredging up old re-hashed crap or just coming over here to ramble nonsense in the hopes of causing flame wars and drama (that *other* thread).</DIV><DIV><BR class="khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV>This server has a very small user base, it is one of the things I like about Al'Kabor (as you get to know everybody), but it is also one of the things I hate about our server (as everything comes under the microscope easier and the dreaded drama erupts).</DIV><DIV><BR class="khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV>I said it before and I'll say it again. Large guilds have enough issues going on internally, let's not make the situation worse but dragging down other guilds in the hopes of proping yourselves up just does not work. Let sleeping dragons lie.</DIV><br /><br /><br />--<br><a href="" target="new"><font color="#0000ff">SunRa Wosret</font></a> <br>Feral Lord, Gnome Eater<br><a href="" target="new"><font color="#0000ff">Sekhmet Geb</font></a> <br>64 Tree Hugger<br><font size="2"><strong>"Live fast, die young and leave a magnificent looking corpse."<br><img alt="" src="" align="bottom" border="0" hspace="0"></strong></font>

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