Ranger Jokes
All in good fun of course. Sure there will be dorf jokes or Pally jokes before we are done here<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_grin.gif"><BR><BR>Q: Why does it rain so much in the Karanas?<BR>A: Because everytime a ranger dies, Tunare sheds a tear.<BR>Q: How can you tell a ranger tried to break into your house??<BR>A: Your cat is camping his corpse.<BR>Q: Why don't rangers get FD?<BR>A: Because the fall to the ground would kill them.<BR>Q: What do you call a Warrior with no arms and no legs?<BR>A: I don't know, but it's better than a Ranger.<BR>Q: How do you know when a ranger has been tanking?<BR>A: You're on CR.<BR>Q: Why is ranger armor green and brown?<BR>A: Green so they can find their corpse in the dirt and brown so they can<BR>find<BR>their corpse on the grass.<BR>Q: Why is a Ranger like a cheap $20.00 whore?<BR>A: They go DOWN on anything and everything<BR>Q: Whats the shortest Ranger joke ever?<BR>A: LFG.<BR>Q: what do you call a druid that doesnt have any spells and thinks he can<BR>melee?<BR>A: A ranger!<BR>Q: What is the difference between a ranger and a corpse?<BR>A: 30 seconds of combat!<BR><BR>Q: What did one ranger say to the other at the soulbinder?<BR>A: Do you come here often?<BR>Q: Why did the Ranger cross the road ?<BR>A: Because the chicken got him down to half a bub !<BR>Things to ask rangers :<BR>Ask if they need to get Aego before going in out door zones just in case it<BR>rains and they start losing HP.<BR>Ask them if they've made a "/consent" hotkey yet to save time.<BR>Ask them why they came to this raid, since there will be no need for them to<BR>eat any DT's.<BR><BR>Misc:<BR>Ranger - Tank Simulator<BR><BR>/shout TRAIN TO ZONE!!! RANGERS AND CHILDREN FIRST!!<BR><BR>A_Random_Guildie says, "What does this MOB drop?"<BR>You say, "RANGERS!"<BR><BR>A Ranger walks into a bar.... LOADING PLEASE WAIT.<BR><BR>Just after Kunark was released and epic discusions were rife. General<BR>consensus was that the ranger epic would proc "resurrection".<BR>It's more mana-efficient to res a ranger then heal one.<BR><BR>Monk (pulling): "Incoming, random_mob_o1 times three!!"<BR>Raid Leader: "Off yer butz! Meleers to the front, casters step<BR>back....rangers....try to look as if you are contributing."<BR><BR><BR>reposted from GU Comics.<BR><br /><br /><br /><P>Tofu - Dorf Paladin Extraordinaire</IMG> <BR><A href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=742846" target=_Blank>Magelo Profile</A></P><SELECT name=Osirisis> <OPTION selected>Master Smith (188)<OPTION>Master Potter (162)<OPTION>Master Cook (135)<OPTION>Master Tailor (158)<OPTION>Master Brewer (187)<OPTION>Master Fletcher (182)<OPTION>Master Jeweler (183)</OPTION></SELECT><BR>

<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A paladin is walking the streets in Qeynos when he hears a "psst" from a<BR>merchant's stall. He looks over and sees a vendor trying to catch his<BR>attention, so he walks over to the fellow.<BR><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "I have here something that will make you more attractive than ever<BR>before, sir paladin!"<BR><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The paladin doesn't need to think twice about that offer! "I'll take<BR>it!" The merchant hands him a small statuette, a mouse made of brass. "Trust<BR>me," the vendor says.<BR><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; So the paladin goes back to his morning walk. After a short time he<BR>hears a "squeek" behind him. So he turns, and he sees a rat following him.<BR>"Must be coincidence," the paladin thinks. So he walks some more, and he<BR>hears more squeeking behind him. He turns around, and now he has about a<BR>handful of rats following him. The paladin begins to quicken his pace,<BR>trying to outdistance the vermin, but when he looks back he has a score or<BR>more of rats chasing after him! The paladin breaks into a full-out run, as<BR>rats by the dozens add to the horde now trying to run the paladin down. The<BR>paladin dashes out onto the Qeynos docks, grabs the brass mouse from his<BR>pocket, and hurls it out into the water, then stands aside as a torrent of<BR>rats run past him and jump into the sea and drown.<BR><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Winded, the paladin slumps down onto the planks of the dock. As if by<BR>magic, the merchant appears from behind a nearby crate and fixes the paladin<BR>with a wicked glare. "So, sir paladin, what do you think of my gift to you?"<BR><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The paladin looks at the merchant, then looks out at the water where the<BR>last few bubbles from the drowning rats are rising to the surface. Looking<BR>back to the merchant, the paladin says, in an even voice:<BR><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Do you have any brass rangers?"<BR><br /><br /><br /><P>Tofu - Dorf Paladin Extraordinaire</IMG> <BR><A href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=742846" target=_Blank>Magelo Profile</A></P><SELECT name=Osirisis> <OPTION selected>Master Smith (188)<OPTION>Master Potter (162)<OPTION>Master Cook (135)<OPTION>Master Tailor (158)<OPTION>Master Brewer (187)<OPTION>Master Fletcher (182)<OPTION>Master Jeweler (183)</OPTION></SELECT><BR>

BWAHHAh Auau huAhahuhuauhaua hhahau Ah au AH uA Ua uAhA hAH u AHu a HAu A hA UAHUuHA uAhAuAAUh au a uAU hauauh uah au ahuAuAh au huAh ua hau hAhAua uah uA ua hau ahuA uah au ahuAhuau ahu a ua hauh aua huh au Auah Ua au hAuAH uaua hUa hua ua au ha<br /><br /><br /><img src= target=_blank> </img> <BR>
<A href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=803594">Vance</a> -Al'kabor <BR>Vancetradamus<BR>
There will be a great hot magma uprising, the seas shall split.<BR>
Two mountains will form one of solid rock the other grains of sand.<BR>
The sand will blow away in the wind while the rock stands firm.<BR>
The blade is sharp, gods will fall!

ROFL! That last one made me laugh out loud!<br /><br /><br />"Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"

ROFL!<br /><br />Oh man, that first post was absolutely hilarious!<br /><br /><br /><font size="1">
<a href="http://www.wowpm.com/view_profile.html?num=6185 ">Lashima</a>, 60 Dwarven Priest
Formerly, <a href="http://www.wowpm.com/view_profile.html?num=6166">Mishikal</a>. 60 Undead Priest<br>
<a href="http://wow.telenet.be/index.htm">http://wow.telenet.be/</a>

...<br /><br /><br /><a href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=871612&amp;resize=true" target="new">Laeden</a>
~Rootbear, pilikia (clr), moki (bst), shamoo (shm), tootle (brd), snoot (shd), snozby (enc)

bump...lets not forget&nbsp;these =D<br /><br /><br /><font color="#666666">Elder <font color="#666666"><a href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=837421&amp;resize=true" target="new">Rhaughne</a> "the Wang" Dragonlord <br></font><font color="#666666" size="3"><br></font></font><font color="#808080" face="Times New Roman" size="3">"People
can no longer cover their eyes.&nbsp; If this disturbs you then walk
away.&nbsp; You will remember the night you were struck by the sight of
Ten Thousand fists in the air"</font><font color="#666666"><strong><em><br>

Pffft<br /><br /><br /><a href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=871612&amp;resize=true" target="new">Laeden</a>
~Rootbear, pilikia (clr), moki (bst), shamoo (shm), tootle (brd), snoot (shd), snozby (enc)

You know he's right<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_wink.gif"><br /><br /><br /><font size="1">
<a href="http://www.wowpm.com/view_profile.html?num=6185 ">Lashima</a>, 60 Dwarven Priest
Formerly, <a href="http://www.wowpm.com/view_profile.html?num=6166">Mishikal</a>. 60 Undead Priest<br>
<a href="http://wow.telenet.be/index.htm">http://wow.telenet.be/</a>

Bump, hilarious<br /><br /><br /><A href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=1027902"target=_blank>The King of Death, Saenayil Shadowraith </a>

<center><div class="QuotedForumText" style="width: 90%;text-align: left;"><hr><b>quote:</b><br><br>BWAHHAh Auau huAhahuhuauhaua hhahau Ah au AH uA Ua uAhA hAH u AHu a HAu A hA UAHUuHA uAhAuAAUh au a uAU hauauh uah au ahuAuAh au huAh ua hau hAhAua uah uA ua hau ahuA uah au ahuAhuau ahu a ua hauh aua huh au Auah Ua au hAuAH uaua hUa hua ua au ha<hr></div></center><BR><BR><BR>LOL You are so over the top!&nbsp; <img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_cool.gif"><br />

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