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Sorry folks for wasting th' board space, I believe I have answered me own question.<BR><BR>Looking back t' th' original legacy o' Vel from The Realm, he will b'come a shaman...<BR><BR>'Gain... sorry fer wastin' th' space (iffin' a moddie wants t' delete this post, feel free... kin't seem to find a way t' delete it meself).<br />

i cnt red yr typng cas yu skp letrs<br />

Cadsuane probably has a point<br /><br /><br /><font size="1">
<a href=" ">Lashima</a>, 60 Dwarven Priest
Formerly, <a href="">Mishikal</a>. 60 Undead Priest<br>
<a href=""></a>

Dam did you get ahold of Gnat's crack pipe? I know hes has been known to smoke the good shit.<br /><br /><br /><img src= target=_blank> </img> <BR>
<A href="">Vance</a> -Al'kabor <BR>Vancetradamus<BR>
There will be a great hot magma uprising, the seas shall split.<BR>
Two mountains will form one of solid rock the other grains of sand.<BR>
The sand will blow away in the wind while the rock stands firm.<BR>
The blade is sharp, gods will fall!

Vance can we have a g-rated version for the public boards? O nevermind that is the g-rated Vance.<br /><br /><br />_______________________________________________<br><br><a href="">Can Dual Wield AND carry a dozen donuts.</a><em>- <br></em><br>Give up that bitter black urine men call coffee. Ahh. Java devil, you are now my bitch.<br>--- <em><strong>The Tick<br></strong></em><br><a href="">Tick sound bite</a><br><br><br>

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