Respectfully seeking advice
:) Hello, </P><br /><P>I am respectfully and reverently seeking a little advice with regard to my user interface.&nbsp; I am a monk (Bitterirony, The Shortbread Army, Level 31) and Im at the point where Ive tried several configurations and see advantages and disadvantages to each of them.</P><br /><P>&nbsp;</P><br /><P>As I wish to continue in level and aggressiveness, I want the most efficient UI possible, so where t oask how other successful people do it but in the Forum of one of the more successful guilds.&nbsp; If it's not too much to ask, could you either direct me to a past thread showing how you set up your UI in the most efficient manner possible, or could you please email me a screenshot to <A href=""></A> of your UI, just to give me some ideas of what would be best.&nbsp; Thanks guys, a few Temerity members have helped me with questions in the past and I really appreciate it.</P><br /><P>Bitterirony Cruelfate<br />

What kind of machine do you play on? In particular, how much screen real estate do you have and what GPU are you using?<br /><br />MY powerbook UI is distinct from my external screen UI.<br /><br /><br />Danidianya Whitestar
<BR>Warder of Al'Kabor
<BR>Protector of Jaggedpine
<BR>Fletcher of Temerity

<A TARGET=_BLANK href="">Danidianya</a></p>

I used the default UI with a window for all chat, which is the default window, and a window for battle spam. I'm not a big fan of the custom UIs that are out there. Too much fluff and purty graphics. The more innocuous the UI the better.<br /><br /><br />Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.<br>

Like Zatrik, I hate fluff.<BR><BR>That said, using the UI that Cad posted: <A href=""></A><BR><BR>Having the spell cast times below my target, having the names next to all my spells and buffs all the time, and the combined stats/gear/hotkeys pad is useful.<BR><BR>And there aren't pretty sparkly shiny dancy things to take up precious screen realestate.<BR><br /><br /><br />--<BR>
<a href="">Kyth</a>, Officer of Temerity<BR>
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