Lending a helping hand
I would like to say that you are all my primary source of income in this game <IMG id=IconFace_Face_Grin src="/Faces/face_grin.gif" border=0>&nbsp;So if oyou need anything done i would be happy to do it at a fair price, and hope that you will have more problems so that i get rich, Thank you!<BR><BR>I also collect bone chips for necros, and it is very prosperous. Sell em for 10pp a stack. You need it, ill get it, thats my motto. Hope to hear some problems soon.<BR><BR>Anyone else notice im a little bored...<IMG id=IconFace_Face_Sad src="/Faces/face_sad.gif" border=0><br />

omg Muse... you sound like ALL the musicians I know!<br /><br /><br />----- "I don't say we all ought to misbehave, but we ought to look as if we could." ...Orson Welles -----

If you feel like collecting leather padding, I'm looking to buy those. Just give me a price. Requires some low level tradeskill experience though.<br /><br /><br />Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.<br>

I can't make those, but if you name the components ill get em... my tradeskills are relatively low... about 20'ish. EDIT: Missed understood something...<BR><BR>What lvl are crag spiders?<br />

Leather padding is easy, but annoying. Combine two SpiderLING Silks to make silk thread. Combine the silk thread with any Low Quality pelt (LQ Cat, LQ Bear, LQ hopper, LQ Wolf, any others?) and you get leather padding.<br /><br />Medium Quality and High Quality can be turned into LQ pelts with a skinning knife, but if you get any HQs you could probably sell those in the PoK for 10 pp a piece.<br /><br />If you're farming Leather Padding, I'd just run up and down that newbie area in Everfrost. Just don't kill steal, it's all the newbies can kill!<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_happy.gif"><br />

I prefer my home grounds, of east commons. Do crag spiders drop the spiderling silks or just spider silks? I got 2 HQ pelts and 3 MQ, and somany LQ its hard to count lol. I will get on it tho. First i need to help Nuitari, then Zatrik, becasue i promised Nuitari spiderling/spider silks first<IMG id=IconFace_Face_Grin src="/Faces/face_grin.gif" border=0><BR><BR>Depending on whos on tho, because i have limited playing time.<br />

WOW those crags are HARD to kill with a 19 beastlord!<BR><BR>I found carrion spiders, not as great but untill i ding up a few more those will do. Sorry about the delay all<IMG id=IconFace_Face_Cry src="/Faces/face_cry.gif" border=0><br />

Why not use Muse? I can get you out, if you are lost somewhere<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_happy.gif"><br /><br /><br /><font size="1">
<a href="http://www.wowpm.com/view_profile.html?num=6185 ">Lashima</a>, 60 Dwarven Priest
Formerly, <a href="http://www.wowpm.com/view_profile.html?num=6166">Mishikal</a>. 60 Undead Priest<br>
<a href="http://wow.telenet.be/index.htm">http://wow.telenet.be/</a>

Muse, I am looking for zombie skins. And lots of em, like 8 stacks for sure possibly more. For all 8 stacks I would give ya 400pp. Unrest is recommended as the best place to farm continuously from what I found on the web.<br />

Keep in mind im using a lvl 19 beastlord. My bard is stuck in the frontier mountains<IMG id=IconFace_Face_Cry src="/Faces/face_cry.gif" border=0><BR><BR>Trying to kite crags is prolly difficult, since i found about 2 in the span of 25 minutes...<BR><BR>If anyone wants to help me get him out ill be on wednsday. In pok but naked.<br />

We'll get him out, and if you only found 2, you're in the wrong spot<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_happy.gif"><br /><br /><br /><font size="1">
<a href="http://www.wowpm.com/view_profile.html?num=6185 ">Lashima</a>, 60 Dwarven Priest
Formerly, <a href="http://www.wowpm.com/view_profile.html?num=6166">Mishikal</a>. 60 Undead Priest<br>
<a href="http://wow.telenet.be/index.htm">http://wow.telenet.be/</a>

Good news, I was rescued... I'm out of Rathe!<br /><br />[edited as requested by Muse]<br /><br /><br /><span class="MessageEditText">Edited by Aarlo 4/8/2004 11:25 AM (Most Recent)</span>

kk, I checked unrest and it's a pain. Didnt find many skin-wearing zombie-like mobs there either.<BR>better seems to be the undead camp in North&nbsp;Karana (can get a wiz port there or&nbsp;just use the&nbsp;nexus portal to Antonica)&nbsp;at loc -3000, -2100. 5 to 15 mobs all lined up, lvl around 10. can farm bone chips and cheap weapons for pet classes at the same time.<BR>I got 3 stacks in 2 hours, used them (for pottery) and figured I need 15 stacks more.<BR>So Ill pay you 1k and you might be able to negotiate me even higher<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_happy.gif"><BR>at 16 you need to be careful though. there are wandering mobs in the area that are too high. not sure if they will aggro you though. But you can certainly make some exp while you wait for repops!<BR><BR>added: zombies are not always up. sometimes there are skellies and ghouls there. need to kill those to get the zombies to spawn.<br /><br /><br /><span class="MessageEditText">Edited by Karen 3/31/2004 5:45 AM (Most Recent)</span>

<center><div class="QuotedForumText" style="width: 90%;text-align: left;"><hr><b>quote:</b><br><br>kk, I checked unrest and it's a pain. Didnt find many skin-wearing zombie-like mobs there either.<BR>better seems to be the undead camp in North&nbsp;Karana (can get a wiz port there or&nbsp;just use the&nbsp;nexus portal to Antonica)&nbsp;at loc -3000, -2100. 5 to 15 mobs all lined up, lvl around 10. can farm bone chips and cheap weapons for pet classes at the same time.<BR>I got 3 stacks in 2 hours, used them (for pottery) and figured I need 15 stacks more.<BR>So Ill pay you 1k and you might be able to negotiate me even higher<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_happy.gif"><BR>at 16 you need to be careful though. there are wandering mobs in the area that are too high. not sure if they will aggro you though. But you can certainly make some exp while you wait for repops!<BR><BR>added: zombies are not always up. sometimes there are skellies and ghouls there. need to kill those to get the zombies to spawn.<hr></div></center>My bard is in the nexus, on his way to NK actually lol, 1k!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!! I just went broke and started to remake plat, my guild wants me to lvl my bard, and go on some more raids. I still need to figure out how to get those spider silks...<br />

found a bunch of them on vendors, but still need 7 or 8 stack, so 500pp waiting for you if you are quick<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_happy.gif"><br />

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